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jerry kurlz anyone

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2001 7:27 am
by p-dog
Dear All

I recently ordered 2 films from and still haven't received them. my order was made 2 weeks ago and on the web site it states "all orders dispatched within 24 hours".

2 weeks later I still haven't received the vids. I thought maybe there was a problem with my credit card, but I received a confirmation order and I have checked with my bank.

I do not want to disrespect the site just in case this is normal. If anyone could confirm how long an order has taken to arrive from Jerry Kurlz it would be most appreciated.

thanks in advance.

Re: jerry kurlz anyone

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2001 2:57 pm
by robbie
Hi - I'm having trouble with 4 videos I order from Jerry Kurlz.
I have sent to date 11 emails. I've had one returned to sa that were chaning the free tape. Nothing since and no returns to my emails. Like you my credit card has been debited. I jusy hope that Customs haven't grabbed them. Please post a message if you you get any further info or you receive your order and I'll do the same

Re: jerry kurlz anyone

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2001 4:00 pm
by robbie
Well well well, my 11th email was finally replied to at 18:50 on 5/3/2001 by Jerry.

He was very apologetic at not returning my emails and said there ordering system had gone wrong - he said he could confirm that my tapes were posted. I've just emailed again to ask the actual posting date cos Customs may have taken them - I suggest you keep emailing him about your order and hopefully he will reply to you - let me know by this forum how you get on - I'll let you know if I receive any more emails and more importantly my order!!

I must say that this is the only time I have had trouble with tapes I've ordered so I suppose I've been lucky until now - anyway keep us posted cheers

Re: jerry kurlz anyone

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2001 3:18 pm
by robbie
I recevied today 3 out of the 4 tapes today. I have emailed them again to ask where the remaining tape is but I don't hold out much hope.

Hope you have better luck

thanks for the messages Robbie

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2001 8:29 am
by p-dog
Hi Robbie,

sorry I haven't replied to your messagee, I've been away for a few days. I also received a message from Jerry saying that his system has been down for a couple of weeks.

glad to hear you got your films. he told me to expect mine by the weekend.

I was under the impression that they are mailed from within the uk, is this not the case?

thanks again.

Re: thanks for the messages Robbie

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2001 4:22 pm
by robbie
Hi P-Dog

The postmark on my packages were from Sheffield so I would say yes that are dispatched from within the UK.

I now have all my tapes and they were worth the wait -maybe we can arrange a swap or something _ i can copy tapes so we could save a bit of money

Let me know if you are interested or if you find any good sites cheers

Re: thanks for the messages Robbie

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2001 6:16 pm
by fred the butch
Hey robbie i have the same kind of set-up if your intrested ,i could do some swaps with you drop me a e-mail at Just spent ?50 on films so no money left for a bit..

Re: thanks for the messages Robbie

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2001 8:29 am
by p-dog
Hi Robbie,

sounds like a good idea. can you e-mail me a list on and I will reply to your e-mail with films that I have to swap.


Re: thanks for the messages Robbie

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2001 7:08 pm
by robbie
Ok P-Dog and Fred - I will email you both shortly - I'm bit tied up for next couple of weeks cheers