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Computer problems

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:02 am
by Carl Pulley
Need help if anyone knows about this but its now becoming annoying i tried everything from searching back folders to temp internet visted sites folders just to delete this thing off.

So what's my problem,well it this, everytime i go on internet explorer instead of the btinternet main page coming up i keep getting this annoying or page as my main page.I go to the connection bit and transfered back to bt main page but as soon as computer is switched on again it comes back again.(I have located this in the temp deleted files section and deleted it but no matter how times i delete it off system it still keeps popping up every time i go online).again i tracked in history section but it still won't go off system when deleting.

also this pop up keeps appearing as well ( then promotes a teeny adult site which i have to close down.

Really anybody got any clues how to get rid of this(before i forget i done a virus scan twice and its not picking up anything)so where am i going wrong so i can get rid of this annoying problem.

Re: Computer problems

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:48 am
by bfu
i've got the same problem but with and a dial up service - '1 to 1'

1 to 1 has put a short cut on my main desktop, short cut strip at the bottom of the screen and the top of the start up menu.

as carl said i've seachedthe files i know about and tried deleting but they keep coming bach

i'm using norton anti virus and firewall

Re: Computer problems

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 11:12 am
by WillieBo

Look in Lizard's locker in the 'Miscellany' section. Failing that, I strongly recommend this :

and simply follow the instructions. However, these hijackers are clever and if you want to see what files they run and how to prevent them try this :

For updates to these files we always keep the WildersSecurity forum page on our favourites :

If you follow some of the posts the answers will be there. If the problems persist, then post on their forum and let them see the HijackThis log. They are a superb unit.

It's a myth that these are created by surfing for porn ; I never do. My hijacker (coolwebsearch and the pop-up) came as a result of playing the Times' and Telegraph's fantasy football online !

Hope this helps.

Re: Computer problems

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:16 am
by Carl Pulley
Cheers Willie Bo,

I looked at Lizard Locker site and now found hopefully the site that can help me.

As for wilderssecurity site i tried there site today and to use there download program for the problems i'm having and it keeps knocking off the isp,it did that a few days ago while i tried then.

but now i found this website (from Lizard locker) and this looks pretty good so i give them a try 2morrow or Monday.(actually its not bad because there explain the recent hijacking problems and what sites keep popping up on system).

I haven't tried the site you promoted(the meijn site)is it any good.


Re: Computer problems

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 12:44 pm
by WillieBo
The merjin hijacker download is available from the WildersSecurity site and is a programme and not a site as such. If you run this and copy your log onto their forum they will advise you what to fix. It does work.

Re: Computer problems

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 1:34 pm
by IdolDroog and 1on1.exe are the exact ones ive got/keep getting, i dont really care though because i get rid of it but it'll come back again...

Re: Computer problems

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 5:15 pm
by Guilbert
Some of these type of programs not only install themselves
but they set something in Windows so that when you reboot
it checks to see if the program has been deleted, and if so it
just re-installs itself again.

As well as deleting the program you also need to delete the
setting in Windows that makes the program run on startup.

This is normally hidden in a system file called the Registry
so if you know your way around that you can delete it.

If not then see my append today about WinPatrol.

This program will list all the programs that will autostart
under Windows and you can delete any offending ones.

WinPatrol will also set itself to autostart, and it will then
tell you if any new program tries to install itself. See my
other append for details


Re: Computer problems

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 7:00 am
by bfu
sorry but not being as computer literate as yourself, so,

1. where do i find the regestry file?

2. what appends?

3. WTF is WinPatrol?

just 'cause it obvious to you some of us need it spelt out.

thanks though, but please a little more detail

Re: Computer problems

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 9:18 am
by Deuce Bigolo
bfu the registry can be located by selecting Run and typing in warned if you don't know what your doing you could stop your computer from working...truly...I speak from experience

I'd run all the spyware/adware programs like adware,spybot & CW Shredder in Lizards Locker

and run Hijack This and post the log to
before even contemplating the registry

If you want to see what programs are loaded when you start your in MSCONFIG...and select the start up menu-far right

Also under start...find...Files/ can type in IE CONTENT and find these by name...or by their very name sometimes

Depending on how invasive these spyware are this sometimes is enough

is a very useful tool for alerting you to when these invaders try to gain access and giving you an option of saying yes or no at the time of the incursion

Not fool proof but good

I'd go one step further and say get yourself a firewall if you haven't already
zone alarm a free program is what I use


Re: Computer problems

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:45 am
by bfu
have norton antivirus and firewall

most of th epost went over my head

as you if you don't you can stop your computer working if i go into the regesrty.

that's one problem

need the KISS version - keep it simple [i'm] stupid.

found the downpoad on you other main posting. but not sure anythings happened?