Violet Storm personals
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2001 10:27 am
Violet will be here Tuesday so I suggest any personal questions for her be placed on this thread and I will get her to answer them all.
Her Site goes up next week so this is like an introduction to the UK's newest Porn Star.
And here is her offer exclusive to this site and her loyal fans.
Violet Storm hard-core mag with matching Hard-core Video CD FOR ?2.50 PLUS ?1.25 Post n Packing. So total is ?3.75. If you want to look at what you get go to E-Mail if you need the password. These goods will be processed in Europe by DMG Ltd (Europe). And I guarantee they turn up and you don't get ripped off.
Violets site will be at so bookmark it now.
I will get Alec to paste a picture in to this thread for you all.
Your Devoted Servant,
Phil McC
Her Site goes up next week so this is like an introduction to the UK's newest Porn Star.
And here is her offer exclusive to this site and her loyal fans.
Violet Storm hard-core mag with matching Hard-core Video CD FOR ?2.50 PLUS ?1.25 Post n Packing. So total is ?3.75. If you want to look at what you get go to E-Mail if you need the password. These goods will be processed in Europe by DMG Ltd (Europe). And I guarantee they turn up and you don't get ripped off.
Violets site will be at so bookmark it now.
I will get Alec to paste a picture in to this thread for you all.
Your Devoted Servant,
Phil McC