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Re: Brave Americans liberating Iraq from evil

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 2:21 am
by Deuce Bigolo
The biggest problem i have with these news bites is you don't know the story leading up to it

As with all things if taken out of context it looks worse than it probably was

I'd sooner trust a viscious dictator like Hitler or Hussain than believe the Media


Re: same shit...different site

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 12:37 pm
by pussyclart
I heard you can de-program yourself if you look at a strobe for 30 seconds .Maybe you should give it a go.

Re: Brave Americans liberating Iraq from evil

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 5:08 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
So you think if the US and Coalition forces left the bloodshed would end?

Give me a break

The Shia(especially) and the Kurds would rip the Sunni to shreds if history is any gauge

Another case of Genocide we don't need

Invading Iraq was a mistake I'll grant you but leaving before the remnants of
the Sunni are neutralised would be a huge mistake.All the current violence seems to be where they are based

I think the USAs greatest fear is if they leave the Shia(the majority) will create a religious state similar to how Iran was in the early Eighties

Not to mention the Economic side which the French & Russians would be only too happy to accomodate if the US left

A very complicated equation by anyones standards
