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kelly stafford
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 3:56 pm
by fred the butch
Just watched rocco animal trainer this afternoon what a film,i have heard of kelly but never watched any of her movies before,god can she peform at the porn awards then with amanda dawking and rocco ,as anybody else watched this film i would like to know what other viewers thought of it..fred
p.s Does anyone have when rocco meats kelly ..
Re: kelly stafford
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 4:12 pm
by joe king
Alec talks about 'when rocco meats kelly ' in the films section.
I've just seen 'when rocco met kelly', Kelly comes over as soft and gentle and willing to try anything (for Rocco).
Re: kelly stafford
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 5:45 pm
by alec
Actually it's 'When Kelly Meats Rocco' in the titles of the European version.
Re: kelly stafford
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 6:05 pm
by Pasta
Whatever the title, and the titles and credits on Rocco movies are frequently inaccurate, When Kelly Meet Rocco, aka When Rocco Meats Kelly is actually not such a great movie - only the scene with Kelly really does the biz for me.
When Rocco Meats Kelly 2 in Barcelona, is much better (except for the midget scene, yuk) with consistently hot scenes with or without Kelly. The opening group scene (without Kelly) is a peach!
Dirty Anal Kelly In Rome is arguably even better, maybe not, but she is in stunning form. Yet to see any other Kelly films!
Re: kelly stafford
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 6:07 pm
by joe king
in stb cat the title is 'met' (also on cover pic)
Re: kelly stafford
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 6:16 pm
by joe king
I think you were right, on the title in the video it could be 'meats', I'll have to see it again.
alec, the announcement for the devlin/Phil McC trade site (where you had to ask/email for a password) has it disappeared? I emailed for a password - not yet received.
devlinmedia site
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 7:04 pm
by joey
> the announcement for the devlin/Phil McC trade site (where you
> had to ask/email for a password) has it disappeared?
try a search on the forum (search link at the top of the page) on "tradeonly"
Re: devlinmedia site
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 7:10 pm
by alec
Actually that won't get my original post which was headed Getting Hold of R18 videos which, if you have collapsed the threads, is now on the second page of the forum, about half way dowm.
Re: kelly stafford
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 9:38 pm
by Maurie
Kelly featured in Score Groups "Babyface" magazine, the first issue (now unavailable) but they do offer a soft(?) core video of her .Incidently this mag has now gone very hard with lots of Brit girls.
Re: kelly stafford
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2001 5:17 am
by joe king
'When Rocco Meet Kelly' is the title in the vid I have.