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Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2001 6:58 pm
by bill
I have got a copy of Ben Dovers English Porno Groupies H/C, and I am looking to trade it with anyone who has any H/C Omar tapes ( preferably Big Willys canal boat adventure) or any decent H/C Ben Dover Vids. many Thanks.
Re: Trade.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2001 2:27 pm
by medallion
BUY them- AND make sure they're not pirate copies !!
It's hard enuff to earn a crust in this biz. without you
pfaffing about doing swaps !!!
Re: Trade.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2001 3:59 pm
by Paul
please contact me on icq 62017072 about trading.........
As for medalion, you can get free h/c porn on satelite, so why bitch about trading things.