Teresa Scott website
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2001 11:46 am
Is anybody out there having problems with the above website - making purchases? 7 weeks ago at the beginning of Jan I ordered a video + 1 months access to members area. This was during the time they were changing their credit card payment system so I sent a cheque as directed, made out in the name of Teresa Scott, to the Nottingham address shown on the website. The cheque was cashed a week after I sent it but to date I have received nothing-no video or members access instructions. I have e-mailed and written but have not even received an acknowledgment. Nothing.
Now it may well be they never received my cheque. At least they could acknowledge the problem exists with a short e-mail. For such a good website I find it very surprising this total lack of communication.
Anyone else had a similar experience?
Now it may well be they never received my cheque. At least they could acknowledge the problem exists with a short e-mail. For such a good website I find it very surprising this total lack of communication.
Anyone else had a similar experience?