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Getting hold of R18 videos

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2001 4:56 pm
by alec
I think we all agree that there should be more licensed sex shops - even Andreas Whittam Smith has said so - to make these more easily available.

So those 'considering the possibility' of opening a licensed sex shop and wishing to evaluate possible items to stock or those reviewing videos for magazines or websites should investigate

You will have to e-mail for a password and then use it to enter the trade area and follow Trade Pack 1 instructions. After you have posted a confirmation that you are a potential trade buyer or reviewer by printing out, filling in and sending off the form, they will give you a UK number for buying and queries etc. All packages will be sent via registered UK carrier not post. 'Trade' covers web and magazine video reviewers as well.

I'm sure no one will tell fibs about their intentions.

Re: Getting hold of R18 videos

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2001 6:50 pm
by Ned
Ho hum!

Re: Getting hold of R18 videos

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2001 7:16 am
by Phil McC
Yeh thats true,
thanks for giving the game up, well who cares if the guys wanna get their porn at silly prices I totally agree and as long as they sign to say they are trade I am certainly not going to visit their house to see for my-self and the list of buyers will be buried in my computer. site is just a trade site so there is no fancy pictures just the products and our services. So it's free anyway.
DVD's are seriously on the way. I expect first one out mid March limited numbers trade registered will see them first in Trade Pack 2.

Phil McC