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Why pay for porn?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:42 pm
by m100
someone raised this in the michelle thorne thread and rather than that go off at a massive tangent and despite the fact that we've had this argument thousands of times already i thought i'd start this thread. Apparently those of us who pay for porn are idiots. I pay for numerous sites - i'll admit none of them are British - and i really get my moneys worth out of them. On top of which three or four times a year i buy dvds. I wouldn't know a torrent if it knocked on the front door and i don't see the appeal of tube sites - watching some shit .flv low bitrate mp4 while the previous week you've been out and bought a fuck off 60inch led tv with speakers that the who used to use doesn't add up.

Re: Why pay for porn?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:09 pm
by VintageTog
After having my card raped after joining a site of another guy who posts here I will never ever pay for porn again.

Why pay at all? Spur of the moment thing I suppose but to be honest its just laziness and would take about 10 minutes to find a free better version of anything I have seen promoted on here so far.

Re: Why pay for porn?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:49 pm
by one eyed jack
After having my card raped after joining a site of another guy who posts here I will never ever pay for porn again.

Thats a lame as saggy balls excuse if ever i heard one Vintage Tog and for the record Im sure its not my site you are alluding to in your post

So you feel you ve got bad service from one website...So does that mean you get everything for free in the real world when you dont get value for money?

Where an I get free energy as I feel Im being ripped off by British Gas. Where an I get free petrol because I disagree with the 70p in the pound tax going to the government.

If a restaurant is too expensive do you root through the bins nearby to get it if its thrown away? Thats what your excuse conjures up in my mind.

The reason why you should pay for your porn is no different than why you should pay for anything else. If you dont like the content then dont pay for it would make sense not to watch it then.

Reading your posts builds up a mental picture of you not being too clever if you cant read the terms and conditions of the contract you have entered into but like most people eager to get to where they are going you just ticked the box anyway...More fool you I say

No one is getting ripped off with a site that has a merchant account run by a reputable biller. You are better of paying for it than risk getting a virus from these so called free sites who make their money putting viruses in your computer whether they are paid for to spy on your web habits and maybe a key logger in there to work out your credit card details

Re: Why pay for porn?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:54 pm
by VintageTog
I might not be too bright but at least I am not in the business of competing with free lol

Re: Why pay for porn?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:01 pm
by one eyed jack
Dont wanna pay for porn?

Theres a whole new business model out there waiting for people like you

One way or another you'll end up paying anyway.

Best to get it cheap at source or a new computer when all that lovely freeness you download results in a crapped out computer riddled with viruses and strange transactions going on with your credit cared in the arse end of the Ukraine by some 10 year old whiz kid who has nothing better to do than collect credit card numbers from hacking software he's created

Re: Why pay for porn?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:09 pm
by one eyed jack
Gotta love the lame excuses Ive heard from Hickster/ ACS Bore...Geezer nearly had me with his bullshit too

People are actually committing suicide for downloading porn apparently. Old people starving hungry and cold unable to pay their winter bills but ok ownloading free prn al day eh?

Not nearly as much as producers who have invested money in productions are throwing themselves off buildings and disembowelling themselves with coat hangers....Its true I'm telling you.

Name me one person who has committed suicide for receiving these letters and I'll name you a producer who killed themselves by strangling themselves to death !laugh!

Re: Why pay for porn?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:11 pm
by VintageTog
one eyed jack wrote:

> After having my card raped after joining a site of another guy
> who posts here I will never ever pay for porn again.
> Thats a lame as saggy balls excuse if ever i heard one Vintage
> Tog and for the record Im sure its not my site you are alluding
> to in your post
> So you feel you ve got bad service from one website...So does
> that mean you get everything for free in the real world when
> you dont get value for money?
> Where an I get free energy as I feel Im being ripped off by
> British Gas. Where an I get free petrol because I disagree with
> the 70p in the pound tax going to the government.
> If a restaurant is too expensive do you root through the bins
> nearby to get it if its thrown away? Thats what your excuse
> conjures up in my mind.
> The reason why you should pay for your porn is no different
> than why you should pay for anything else. If you dont like the
> content then dont pay for it would make sense not to watch it
> then.
> Reading your posts builds up a mental picture of you not being
> too clever if you cant read the terms and conditions of the
> contract you have entered into but like most people eager to
> get to where they are going you just ticked the box
> anyway...More fool you I say
> No one is getting ripped off with a site that has a merchant
> account run by a reputable biller. You are better of paying for
> it than risk getting a virus from these so called free sites
> who make their money putting viruses in your computer whether
> they are paid for to spy on your web habits and maybe a key
> logger in there to work out your credit card details
> F

Just reading through your snippy little post and I have to say that it smacks of desperation to be honest. Viruses? Key loggers? You should possibly post a poll here to find out if more have had problems with those from free sites than those who have been ripped off by subscription sites?

Pretty sure that when I plug in my kettle two years from now there will still be electricity in the socket but from talking to the models and the now severe lack of work out there I wonder if there will still be any photo or video paid work at all by then?

Re: Why pay for porn?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:15 pm
by one eyed jack
Your more stupid than i thought then Vintage Tog...We're not competing with free. Its usually content stolen from sites by way of people sharing it and uploading it.

Just because one person paid for it doesn't give them the right to share it with the world

You wouldnt like it if somebody did that to you would you?

With all the grassing going on with ATVOD I reckon the same paranoia should be afforded to grassing people who download !laugh!

Re: Why pay for porn?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:18 pm
by VintageTog
one eyed jack wrote:

> Your more stupid than i thought then Vintage Tog...We're not
> competing with free. Its usually content stolen from sites by
> way of people sharing it and uploading it.
> Just because one person paid for it doesn't give them the right
> to share it with the world
> You wouldnt like it if somebody did that to you would you?
> With all the grassing going on with ATVOD I reckon the same
> paranoia should be afforded to grassing people who download
> !laugh!

Like Ben Dover tried you mean?

Re: Why pay for porn?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:22 pm
by one eyed jack
Gasp! Not that lame old chestnut again...If you cant argue your case then get perosnal and use the a. desperation b. jealous c. Anthing to deflect the blame elsewhere other than yourself... d: bring someone else into it...

No. Not desperation at all but anger from your lame excuse not to pay any other site because of your experience with one site


Ive heard some laughable ones in my time and all seem to think theyre clever playing tricks with words and the outcome is all the same, they simply dont want to pay because its free somewhere else

So why make excuses when we already know the answer.