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Fashion/Glamour Models and b/g

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:04 pm
by Scavenger
Hi everyone!

Any ideas how to share stuff safely? How to even find out who has videos to swap, and of which models?

The bottom line is I wouldn't swap unless I knew it would not be published and not be shared again.

Re: Fashion/Glamour Models and b/g

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:07 pm
by hutchv
"Any ideas how to share safely?" " However, the fear of the other person having the work published puts me off as this is not want the model wanted."

Well advertising yourself like this probably isn't the best idea. Whilst there is a need to establish what is out there, keeping it quiet is probably best for the models.

Message me.

Re: Fashion/Glamour Models and b/g

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:09 pm
by Welshmorph
I would never swap any of the B/G videos I have shot of models who don't openly do those levels and I would like to think the clients who purchased those videos wouldn't be looking to swap them either. It would not be fair on the girl involved and also is the type of thing that can put models off doing them in the future if a video suddenly appeared online by someone who had got their hands on it via a trade.


Re: Fashion/Glamour Models and b/g

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:41 pm
by Emac
I had to read this a couple of times to be sure I was seeing this. If a girl shoots with you on the basis that it's not for publication, how could you even consider placing the material in a third party's hands??

Talk about betraying trust!!

Re: Fashion/Glamour Models and b/g

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:14 pm
by sparky
Emac wrote:

> I had to read this a couple of times to be sure I was seeing
> this.
> If a girl shoots with you on the basis that it's not for
> publication, how could you even consider placing the material
> in a third party's hands??
> Talk about betraying trust!!


This shows that a model must never shoot content at any style / level in the belief it will never be circulated.

Years ago I naively lent a tape from a video shoot to someone I thought I could trust.
I got my original back but it had been copied.
I only found out when confronted by the model on a subsequent booking as through a chain another photographer had got a copy or at least seen it.
Since VHS could only be copied so many times very unlikely more than a handful of copies were ever in circulation..
Ultimately the content was not outside the models normal work style / level so fortunately she wasn't too bothered.

Now with lossless copying, internet forums and file-sharing sites content can spread around the world very quickly so far more likely to create at least embarrassment for the model at some future time.

Re: Fashion/Glamour Models and b/g

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:22 pm
by Emac
sparky wrote:

> This shows that a model must never shoot content at any style /
> level in the belief it will never be circulated.

Not what I said at all, and I disagree. There is a legitimate market for private videos and it shouldn't be destroyed or denigrated because of a few untrustworthy togs posting on here. What should happen is that if you've booked a model for a private shoot you should grow some integrity and keep it private!

Re: Fashion/Glamour Models and b/g

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:00 am
by lensman
''Any ideas how to share safely?'' To share safely, wear a condom when you share.

''and I've remained friends with some of the models'' not anymore when they read this ;-) .

Re: Fashion/Glamour Models and b/g

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:23 am
by Scavenger
Thanks for the replies!

I've not actually shared any. But knowing that other people do, I guess a better question would be how, and how do they protect themselves and the model?


Re: Fashion/Glamour Models and b/g

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:41 am
by Emac
Scavenger wrote:

> Thanks for the replies!
> I've not actually shared any. But knowing that other people
> do, I guess a better question would be how, and how do they
> protect themselves and the model?
> Scav

I think your true intent is shown in your first post, and if I were a model offering private shoots I'd steer clear of you. It's this kind of behaviour that causes some models not to trust togs.

Re: Fashion/Glamour Models and b/g

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:46 pm
by Scavenger
Emac, your interpretation if obviously not what I intended.

I was quite clear, even in my initial post, that I would be keen to swap was it not for the concern that the other party may publish it.

I have since clarified that to remove any misunderstanding.

What I wanted to know was how to others get around this. Or do they take the risk? Has anyone had any disasters?