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Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:13 am
by chrismitch

Am trying to track down the euro version of the dvd, that features the pissing stuff. Does anyone know where I coan buy it. Thanks,


Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:13 am
by Pancho
Also has Marino stopped doing them totally now?

Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:11 pm
by Brainsinmedick
Think so. I joined the site about 12 months ago and there was no footage that looked less than 10 years old.
Although the older stuff was the best.

Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:40 am
by Marino
Hello guys.

I have loaded a new movie last month to the site. Unfortunatley it seems now my face does not fit with the powers that be.

It also seems that they do not like the stuff I used to shoot and the last movies I have been told what I have to shoot.

So I can ot keep fighting and trying to get work that just no longer seems to be there for me. I do find it odd because when I am out I seem to have loads of fans but obviously my time has come to dissapear out of the industry.

Its no use me being bitter or flogging a dead horse I have had a wonderful time but I just can not keep fighting to get work when I see some of the crap that is being produced right now.

Like Mr Bond I am not saying never again but I have to pay the bills and also want to find some kind of peace and happiness in my life so if that means I have to leave the industry or the industry no longer wants me then thats life.

Until I have further news I thank you for all of your support. But it looks like its goddnight from me and goodnight from him.

Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:28 am
by cyril
Very sorry to hear that, Marino. You have done some classic scenes in your time unsurpassed by anything in the present era in my opinion. The brilliant scene you and Pascal did with Carla remains etched in my mind. As Rebekah Jordan once said, 'And a good time was had by all!'. There was always a sense that you and the girls were enjoying yourselves and there was nothing 'mechanical' about it at all. Good luck in the future, Marino.

Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:09 pm
by m100
Marino, so sorry that you're leaving the business, thanks for some fantastic dvd's and scenes. can i ask what you mean when you say you've been told what to shoot? Style, girls, situations???? Have the people who told you ever had an erection? do they know what a woman is? do they know what a sense of humour is?

Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:12 pm
by spunkie
Sad times, always enjoyed your scenes, put the fun into porn...and I must say seemed to work with some of my favourite girls including Natasha Vale, Rebekah Jordan, Suzie Best and Jo Guest. Also share my passion for watersports, youre lucky so and so for having so many beautiful girls sprinkle their golden champagne on you!

Im not sure what is happenning to the industry these days but the characters and fun just isnt there now, you only have to look at the promotion forum to see it all chat lines and web cams these days. Thanks for the good scenes and all the very best. Top bloke!

Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:41 am
by Marino
Gentlemen thank you for the kind words I appreciate them.. Maybe direct them to the controllers of the channels they might have a change of heart.

I am sad to be leaving the industry front line but I suppose I have had a great run. And shouldn't be upset that it looks like my time has come.

Part of my reson for also quitting is as I am getting older I did not really want to work with young girls anymore. To me it didn't feel right or look right so I wanted to just shoot more mature models as I felt why on earth would a young girl want to work with a guy of my age when I can work with models closer to my age and connect better on set for that xxx chemistry.
Also I found the pressure of solely producing and starring in the films with all the extra conditions put on a contract now were taking away from my freedom of performance,

Or maybe I am just getting too old who knows?

Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:17 am
by number 6
What a shame,i always found you to be a great character with a great personality and always in great scenes. Some of the early stuff you did with Ben Dover was absolutely before its time and brilliant. Hope you come back again but if not good luck for the future.

Re: Anal Away Days Vol. 2: Road Trip To Surrey dvd

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:06 am
by m100
i think you've hit two of British porn's current major problems on the head there marino. Companies like the adult channel have a very set style that they don't want to move away from - it has to fit into 20-25 minutes and the girls have to look a certain way. No 45/60 minute scenes for them co they don't believe viewers can watch for half the time without anything 'happening'. Also most of the young girls simply don't have the appeal (obviously sam is the exception i'd say) to the long time viewers and buyers.

i know i've said it to you before marino but you really should do your autobiography.