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Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 10:11 am
by harris
How do they sell original tapes for a tenner?? I got 5 from them - genuine originals, (no box)..... amazing! Anyone else tried them?

Re: Euroflex

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 3:03 pm
by Bagpuss
It's either bollocks or you work for them (or both)
Either that or I'm just too cynical for my own good.

Re: Euroflex

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 3:16 pm
by harris
That's what I thought, so I ordered to see if they were for real, and got genuine first generation tapes in about 3 weeks.

Try them, if you don't beleive me - they have Private, Seventeen and loads of German and US stuff, Ben Dover etc. Lots of pirates but about 30 originals a month.

I don't work for them.. :)

Re: Euroflex

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 3:51 pm
by alec
The labels look as if they are first generation. However, the picture quality, though good, does not suggest that they are.

Re: Euroflex

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 4:29 pm
by harris
Maybe they are seconds then, as the picture quality is still better than a pirate, and where would they get labels from???

Re: Euroflex

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 4:31 pm
by alec
Labels - a DTP program makes these dead easy to forge.

Re: Euroflex

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 5:12 pm
by harris
Seems like an awful lot of effort - and why don't they do this with the Euroscan ones too?
You might be right, but the cassette (tinted plastic, neat overwrite protector, etc.) lead me to believe they are originals. The picture quality is also very good indeed for a pirate - better even than Your Choice - and compares easily with the Private originals I have, and the cassette is the same - not like an off the shelf blank tape.
But then again the price is just too good...

(Still a bargain, tho!)

Re: Euroflex

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 5:39 pm
by alec
I think we are referring to the Continental series on the coloured leaflet - the others are far poorer in quality usually. These tapes are also available from MJB/Lance Publications etc. where you get the box and cover too for 20 quid. It may be they both come from the same source and therefore there is a supply of labels knocking about. The ones I have seen, as I said had a good picture quality, some better than others, but they did not compare to the picture quality of the Your Choice tapes I have or to the picture quality of the boxed tapes obtained from Lance or MJB. I'm not complaining though.

Re: Euroflex

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 5:48 pm
by harris
Never heard of Lance, they're not on the links list - maybe you could mail me their contact info??. Maybe I got particularly good copies then...but anyway, here endeth the debate :)

Re: Euroflex

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 7:28 pm
by alec
MJB are a branch of Lance. If it's videos rather than magazines you are after then they are the same.