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Danielle Maye - racist

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:34 pm
by mfcgod
Yep, unfortunately she is and proudly admits to it.

There was a whole host of other racist insults aimed at muslims and jews by her and her boyfriend too.

Re: Danielle Maye - racist

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:59 am
by Welshmorph
I worked with a model who was openly racist. Shame really.


Re: Danielle Maye - racist

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:12 am
by derrick76

Re: Danielle Maye - racist

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:12 am
by Arginald Valleywater
Opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one.....

Re: Danielle Maye - racist

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:05 am
by derrick76
No shit... (no attempted pun intended)

Re: Danielle Maye - racist

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:38 am
by DanielleMaye
When exactly did the word 'Nigger' come out of my mouth??

Yes I admit 'twas me you were talking about but come on grow up nearly 2000 people watching and enjoying until antagonising idiots such as yourself had to ruin it

Yes I may get banned for having my friends on cam but hey everyone needs to liven up enjoy and live a little and by the amount of viewers I had I think I proved that point

'When did porn become some political'

Think I'd have more fun working in a library than on mfc if the viewers are all like you mfcgod!

Re: Danielle Maye - racist

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:31 am
by one eyed jack
Frankly Im shocked! Given the veiled and overt racism on open display on these here forums there is sudden shock about the models points of views.

I couldnt care less for anyone who is racist but at least you know where you stand with them

I can shoot a racist couple. I was once asked if i would shoot a skin head and his missus. Quite happily. i want to feature everyone on my site. I just wouldnt be interested in interviewing their opinions about race. After all, its really about them

Thats my logic. Im not here to be liked though its nice to be liked than not

Re: Danielle Maye - racist

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:50 am
by mfcgod
When did 'nigger' come out of your mouth? Hahaha. Maybe antagonising idiots like myself wouldn't have reacted had you and your boyfriend managed not to insult all the black, muslim or jewish (or like myself, people that simple dislike bigots) people that made up part of that near 2000 people.

Re: Danielle Maye - racist

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:57 am
by derrick76
I have the same views of you, and if you're of 'Windian' background (like I presume you are) we share that in common as well. I'm sure I've worked with plenty models who took one look at me when they entered the room and met me for the first time and thought some very negative things regarding race. You can almost see it in their faces 20% of the time. lol

However, I don't care to be honest. They get into shoot outfits, pose, take money, leave. I'm not hanging out with them, I just working with them, so their views don't really matter to me as long as they keep it to themselves.

It's on the internet a lot of 'views' come out easily behind the cover of anonymity. A lot of people also like to unload their views when they think no one is looking. You can also go on the forums of some (famous) porn websites and you'll see plenty of it. Some of it is tough to read too, but in all facets of life you encounter and work with people with bigoted views. It is nice to know who are the racists though, just for 'fun fact' reasons. lol

Re: Danielle Maye - racist

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:34 pm
by lbglamour
cant understand mfcgod post, so what, everyone is entitled to there own opinion, im sure you have one.

The problem with this country now is no one is allowed to say anything without upsetting someone, everything has to be politically correct or your out on your own. I love it when people speak there minds (it doesnt mean i have to agree with them) but they are allowed to say what they want.

Let it go in one ear and out the other, why try to stir?, life's too short.
