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DVD's will they catch on
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 6:46 am
by Phil McC
DVD will it catch on, I am laying down scenes for two DVD's this week including pictures and a story to match. Anyone who has had my VideoCD's will know I have the technoligy sorted. We have the best computer in the country(well second best they other one got dammaged in the ram raid)(have you noticed the price of 245 Volvo estates in the car guides they obviously have no clue as to the true potential of these cars) So anyway what I need to know is will these shinny little discs sell. I intend to do these from Belguim through a new company who will mail order from there.(to keep within the legal system). Your order will be taken in London but if you request it to be posted which you all will then it will arrive from Belgium.STUPID OR WHAT. There will be a UK orderline for credit cards etc.
Sorry if it sound like I am trying to sell my plot but, The cost of these little beauty's will sell at is ?19.50 is that to cheap! at two hours long approx with stills etc. Will I sell any cause I need to sell 1000 to break even. If I can't then it would be easier to invite you along to my shoots charge ?20 and you can watch it in 3D.(and smello-vision)
Views Please on this project to::::
Re: DVD's will they catch on
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 10:37 am
by Ned
YES! I have had a hell of a time trying to find decent cost DVD in the UK and have ended up buying American smut because nobody's doing them here. The Yank stuff I can get for ?15, but it's not the same as good old honest Brit porn.
?19.50 souns good but PLEASE make sure you get the authoring right. I saw British Amateurs 1 on DVD recently and it paused between every chapter. Very poor.
Don't fuck about with multi-angles and I will buy from you, especially if Violet Storm is going to be in this stuff.
By the way, supposing I found a young lady willing to do hardcore. What's the best way to get in touch and would you want a tape or something to check performance? This is a serious enquiry! I know somebody with an agency who is thinking of supplying unseen lasses to the industry....
Re: DVD's will they catch on
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 1:05 pm
by joey
> We have the best computer in the country(well second best
> they other one got dammaged in the ram raid)
Steal it from the Met office, did you?

Re: DVD's will they catch on
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 1:32 pm
by woodgnome
i visited most of the licensed sex shops in soho last week and the going rate for r18 dvd's is mostly in the ?15-?20 bracket.
as to whether it's the way to go - when gladiator was released on dvd, it sold more copies than the entire top 30 that week. it is now the most rapid growth new format technology ever - far outstripping the initial uptake of cd's, for instance.
tape will soon be history. everybody hates it - it wears out easily; the technology is prone to snags; it's lousy for finding whatever you're looking for.
dvd's ability to locate scenes instantaneously. is almost designed for porn lovers. i guess you'll get your money back and then some if - a) the products good enough to be desirable and b) you promote it well enough so that people know to buy it!
it's about time brit porn producers started moving with the times. the opportunity is there to take things on from the current cottage industry scenario and dvd is inevitably a part of that process. good luck with your venture.
Re: DVD's will they catch on
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 4:14 pm
by alec
1. There is a considerable overlap between computer people and porn lovers - everyone says it is porn which drives computer and internet technology. This seems to suggest success may be more likely with a porn DVD than a straight one.
2. Brit porn lovers are likely to get DVD so that they can buy from North America (now less likely to fall foul of customs) without worrying about whether their VCRs can play the tapes, and whether the resulting picture quality will be lousy becuase of the tapes being NTSC.
Re: DVD's will they catch on
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 4:55 pm
by crofter
DVD is a cert to catch on, the difference in DVD for picture quality is superb, also a lot easier to reproduce consistently, and once set up should be cheaper than vhs, plus playable in a lot of computers, you cant lose ...
especially if you put some great new material on your first one, as DVD seems to be a bit of an afterthought at present, you could certainly lead the way, where others will surely follow phil!!
would they by R18??
love to attend a shoot anytime!!
Re: DVD's will they catch on
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 6:43 pm
by Phil McC
Reply to my e-mail address and I will give you all the details you need.
Phil McC
Re: DVD's will they catch on
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 10:09 pm
by liam
They'll definately catch on if you can clone Stacey Owen!Seriousley Tho' they do look the way forward.As long as the Rip-Off Davids are not involved success seems assured.Remember tho' an own goal still counts.
Re: DVD's will they catch on
Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 7:59 am
by Ian
I bought my DVD player specifically to watch porn on. Nuff said?
Re: DVD's will they catch on
Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 10:48 am
by Ned
I got mine for Dr Who (shame-faced confession) but porn was a bonus!