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Bluebird Website - Not Updated For 3 Weeks

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:35 am
by Christian Storm

Re: Bluebird Website - Not Updated For 3 Weeks

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:07 am
by dlr826
The main Bluebirdfilms site has not been updated lately but Glambirds has and 2 new sites are now open.

They did have some tech problems a while ago.

I am sure the main site will be updated soon.I hope this is not another Bluebird bashing thread as they are getting tiresome.

I for one think Bluebird do a good job and have bought us several girls doing b/g that we probbaly would not have seen without them.

Re: Bluebird Website - Not Updated For 3 Weeks

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:50 pm
by RodFraver99
The site wasn't updated for a least three weeks prior to that so one update in six weeks. I'm a member of their site as I like their product but I signed up for the advertised weekly updates and that I'm not getting. It's one more week for me then I'm done with them.

As for the two new sites I think it's a bit rich advertising yet more pay sites when you don't update the one they're advertised on and the products on the new sites are all found on the main films site so absolutely nothing new.

I agree threads like this are tiresome but there wouldn't be any threads if they did as advertised. I've posted on their own forum asking when will it be update to be told they are still having tech issues!

I also agree they do a very good job bringing talent to the fore that wouldn't usually get involved in such lewd acts.

Re: Bluebird Website - Not Updated For 3 Weeks

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:02 pm
by 1519KRH
Lets face it - the guy just wants to shag fit women! He doesn't give a rats ass about the punters

He has the money to set up a business and throw at "stars" in order to fulfill his fantasies with the pretence of a legitimate business.... fair play if you can get away with it but tough if your paying for an end product

Only my opinion of course - if Rooblue or others can offer a legitimate argument I'll eat my fist (I think I'll die with two hands though)

Re: wise words

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:04 am
by Deuce Bigolo
Whats even more tiresome is members bringing this dross onto the forum again and again because their being ignored by sites management

As a former member of numerous british sites which i had one of 2 issues with which were resolved I simply dont understand why anyone would keep going back to them given the issues have been ongoing for YEARS

Its not like there arent other outlets for porn viewing online

To each masochist their own i guess

Re: wise words

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:07 am
by jj
Too many people in the biz still have what I recently termed the 'organized-crime
mentality'; and too many punters let them get away with it. Legit outfits should
wherever possible piss on these twits from a great height, as they drag down
everyone else in the industry.
It's perfectly simple: if I'm unhappy with an outfit and, having politely contacted
them about my issue/s, their response is either tardy or unsatisfactory, they
immediately and permanently lose my custom. I will also then vociferously piss
and moan about them at any and every opportunity, partly as grudge-filled revenge,
partly as warning to others. These turkeys should be made VERY aware that it's a
colossal market out there and competition for finite custom is- often unlike the
requisite portions of their clients' anatomies- stiff.

Re: Bluebird Website - Not Updated For 3 Weeks

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:19 am
by s rougier
I agree with Deuce Bigolo. Everyone knows what Bluebird are like, so if someone still signs up to one of their products they know what their experience with it is going to be like. There have been plenty enough threads on here from Bluebird customers expressing their dissatisfaction, so if someone still wants to give their custom to Bluebird then I can't see much point in complaining about it afterwards. I'm not suggesting that people be prevented from airing their grievances about Bluebird, but maybe they ought to acknowledge that they knew in advance they would end up disappointed if they gave their custom to Bluebird.

Re: Bluebird Website - Not Updated For 3 Weeks

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:29 am
by jj
... that's the 'piss-and-moan' part of my attitude; to warn others.

The industry badly needs its own Ralph Nader- or perhaps a Rough Nadger.

Re: Bluebird Website - Not Updated For 3 Weeks

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:33 pm
by belfast_birty
This subject comes up regularly on BGAFD.People need to get a life(inc Bluebird)