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Strand Films

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 10:43 am
by Remington Steel/Katy
An amazing response from the information that myself and Phil Mc are getting together again. Shows some people still want quality.
Strand have their first new product due out very soon. Go too and have a look at what is going to be happening. We are on the look out for the tastiest girls in the country, not just for their looks but that raw sexuality we all love to see. The quality will be all that you have come to expect from Phil and myself.
I have not produced any new movies since the Peepshow and Housewife special I made for Private, and before that the excellent vids with Katy Tease, what a girl! I can tell you that all the new stuff will be as good or better than these and the original Strand. We do have some stuff I produced some time ago and which has not been generally available, this will be released while the new stuff is being produced.
One of the things people liked about Strand, as well as the beautiful ladies, was the use of top class locations. After living in Spain for the last 12 years I have lost a lot of contacts so if anyone has a great or unusual location to offer please get in touch.
The strand girls site has just gone up and will be up-dated regularly, we have a message board so please make use of it to see what we are up to and give us your ideas. Site members get invites to film sessions and the chance to make their own. We will feature a girl of the month, combining a membership and video as soon as we work out a way to do it. First girl of the month is Anna, her first video is in edit now.
You can e-mail me direct at

Peace to all

Re: Strand Films

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 11:05 am
by joey
So who are you then, Remmington or Katy - or are the two one? Now that would be a story!

Re: Strand Films

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 12:37 pm
by trigg
Remington is the man behind the camera (aka Phil Kay), not the shaver & Katy is the girl in front of the camera.

Re: Strand Films

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 1:11 pm
by X
I can't get thru on that website, .
Any suggestions>?

Re: Strand Films

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 1:22 pm
by PaulE
Works fine for me - however your post has a misspelt URL - 'standgirls' instead of 'strandgirls'.

Re: Strand Films

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 1:39 pm
by Remington Steel
Almost right. Katy does get behind the camera as well. Used her comp to send the message.

Re: Strand Films

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 3:00 pm
by webmaster
I checked the site...just incase and everything is working fine....the correct url is


Re: Strand Films

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 3:09 pm
by joey
Thanks, I'm glad you cleared that up!

Someone more cynical than I might have erroneously drawn the conclusion that it was you, rather than Katy, who penned the apologia for "Housewives Live" in the thread of that name below.

Such cynical people, on the basis of your kindly provided information, should realise that the identical paragraphing style and the similarities in your signoffs are merely coincidental, or possibly the natural result of a close working relationship over many years.


Seriously, though: - I hope you will drop in here from time to time and give us the benefit of your no doubt extensive knowledge and experience in the industry, as Phil McC has done occasionally, in helping us resolve the questions of the day.. It is a breath of fresh air, because, by and large, the industry seems to practice what can only be called "marketing by obfuscation" as a way of life.

Re: Strand Films

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 4:31 pm
by Remington Steel
You old cynic Joey! Katy is quite able to speak for herself, which lady can?t? Will contribute whenever I can.

Re: Strand Films

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 4:46 pm
by trigg
As long as she works on both sides of the camers, and you only on one;-)