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who are the girls

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2001 10:09 pm
by brummieboy
i saw a ben dover video a few years (3 i think) with 2 girls
they start off in an amusement arcade then ben follows them to
a grass verge under a bridge .
he then takes them back to a studio where he is joined by i think bob the 2 girls do a scene together then they joined by bob
i saw this clip on tvx so it was very softcore
the first girl was white wearing glasses and very dirty looking
the second looks like she may be aisan

anyone know who they are and where i can get the video
i have looked thru the ben dover titles on this site to no avail

can anyone help

Re: who are the girls

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2001 9:54 am
by alec
It wasn't Volume 3 if that's what you meant. It may be one of those scenes that was never released in hard core form. I suspect that this may be the Vanessa Brannan (wears glasses in this scene and has braids, looking something like Cheryl [2]) and Geraldine Martin (Asian looking) scene of which hard core stills exist, but which I've never been able to find on video. Anyway check out the pics of these girls here, but be warned that Vanessa looked very different in some of the stills from this scene.

Re: who are the girls

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2001 5:24 pm
by trigg
Bob the knob confirms what Alec has mentioned above, not all Bens stuff was done in H/C format. Not all girls wanted to do a hard version.

Re: who are the girls

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2001 5:34 pm
by alec
If I'm right about this scene then it was hard and the two girls involved have done plenty of other hard stuff. If this is so then it's just another tantalising glimpse into Ben dover's unreleased arcgives. However, there are several TVX shows I've seen which wouldn't be released for the reasons given.

Re: who are the girls

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2001 10:35 pm
by brummieboy
thanks for such a quick reply the picture you have for geraldine is a actual still from the episode i am refering to
but the picture of the other girl looks nothing like her

thanx anyway

great sit you have here

Re: who are the girls

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2001 6:00 am
by alec
I know it doesn't look like Vanessa, but if I have the right scene it will be her. It took me a long time to ID her when the pics were originally posted to the news group. There are some pics from the set in one of the Ben Dover's Babes magazines.