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Donna Duke

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:28 pm
by 1bingo1
Donna has the most perfect body I have seen for ages, she has great boobs.

Has she ever done anything harder than she does on TV?

Re: Donna Duke

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:32 pm
by jasonhallceltic

Re: Donna Duke

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:10 pm
by theb1gbad1983
Donna is currently working on a long term project of her own website. When the site goes live, she will appear fully nude for the very first time.

Re: Donna Duke

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 10:04 pm
by Matt2003
Long term ? you ain't kidding mate !!! Seems she has been working on that project for nearly a year now and still seems no nearer completion. I think it's all just a big ruse to keep her website forum busy and she has absolutely no intention whatsoever of having a 'members' only area let alone appearing proper full nude.

She reminds me a bit of Lucy Pinder, in as much, goes so far but always keeps her modesty covered. Like Lucy she will probably reveal all long after her best buy date .... which is a shame because she does have a rather spectacular body (at least at the moment) .... who knows what it will be like when she finally, if ever, gets her 'members' site up and running.

Donna is great at the whole boob teasing thing but its so repetitive these days and frankly a bit of a yawn.

Re: Donna Duke

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 10:24 pm
by theb1gbad1983
Matt2003 wrote:

> Long term ? you ain't kidding mate !!! Seems she has been
> working on that project for nearly a year now and still seems
> no nearer completion. I think it's all just a big ruse to keep
> her website forum busy and she has absolutely no intention
> whatsoever of having a 'members' only area let alone appearing
> proper full nude.
> She reminds me a bit of Lucy Pinder, in as much, goes so far
> but always keeps her modesty covered. Like Lucy she will
> probably reveal all long after her best buy date .... which is
> a shame because she does have a rather spectacular body (at
> least at the moment) .... who knows what it will be like when
> she finally, if ever, gets her 'members' site up and running.
> Donna is great at the whole boob teasing thing but its so
> repetitive these days and frankly a bit of a yawn.

I understand that fans have been waiting a long time for the members site but the company that she previously started the venture with were slow and inconsistant. She was recieving mails from fans saying that the site wasn't loading correctly amongst other things and so decided that she would not work with a company that did not listen to her fans and their wants. Ergo Donna is now staring the project again with close friends so the content can be frequently updated and be more personal much in the veil of Kates Playground. I have been lucky enough to have been selected as photographer and videographer and have been told to start shooting fully nude shoots asap.

I will endeavour to keep all interested updated.

Re: Donna Duke

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:20 pm
by Matt2003
Seems to me that Donna hasnt got herself involved with people who know what they are doing. Good heavens, how long does it take to get a members paysite up and running these days ..... answer ..... hardly anytime at all, if you work with the right people. Donna needs to take control of the project and kick arse, if she really wants to keep her fans happy.

Good of you to come on and support her mate and give explanations for the delays but a lot of people believe actions speak louder than words and for the last 12-15 months there hasnt been a lot of action of any kind !!!

Of course Donna is a very busy lady with all her nightime TV stuff so probably has little of it to devote to this project. If you have been selected as official photographer and videographer than I wish you all the best with this but I don't think anyone is going to hold their breath here because until there is any proper evidence that something tangible is happening most will remain sceptic.

Yes im a cynic because we have all heard the 'i'm going nude spin' from so many models in the past only to be let down and disappointed by what turns out to be a PR exercise/stunt to keep fans interested.

Re: Donna Duke

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 10:56 pm
by theb1gbad1983
Matt2003 wrote:

> Seems to me that Donna hasnt got herself involved with people
> who know what they are doing. Good heavens, how long does it
> take to get a members paysite up and running these days .....
> answer ..... hardly anytime at all, if you work with the right
> people. Donna needs to take control of the project and kick
> arse, if she really wants to keep her fans happy.
> Good of you to come on and support her mate and give
> explanations for the delays but a lot of people believe actions
> speak louder than words and for the last 12-15 months there
> hasnt been a lot of action of any kind !!!
> Of course Donna is a very busy lady with all her nightime TV
> stuff so probably has little of it to devote to this project.
> If you have been selected as official photographer and
> videographer than I wish you all the best with this but I don't
> think anyone is going to hold their breath here because until
> there is any proper evidence that something tangible is
> happening most will remain sceptic.
> Yes im a cynic because we have all heard the 'i'm going nude
> spin' from so many models in the past only to be let down and
> disappointed by what turns out to be a PR exercise/stunt to
> keep fans interested.

I completely understand your worries but as Donna does not really model outside of Babecast, she has nothing to gain from any kind of PR stunt. Essentially the content would be up by now if it hadn't been for people letting her down, which is why she was reluctant to promote it.

On a great news front, Alan Strutt as I'm sure you know is a fantastic photogarpher has also been confirmed to shoot some content for the site also. More updates to follow.

Re: Donna Duke

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:51 pm
by Matt2003
Sounds like you have some good people involved now, and Alan Strutt is obviously renouned for his work. If you have got the gig as main photographer for the content then you are one lucky sod. Donna is one of those girls that has a body that you gaze at with your jaw on the floor. You always hope that she will reveal more, and like the whole Lucy Pinder thing, you wonder what Donna looks like when she is fully nude. Hopefully all her fans will not have much longer to wait, that you and her will get the content sorted as soon as possible and you will put everyone out of their misery !!

If it's anything like the big Lucy Pinder boobs out reveal then I'm sure Donna's full nude debut will not disappoint. My only advice to you mate is ..... spend less time here and MORE time shooting Donna !!!