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Vivienne Perello

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 9:22 am
by PaulE
I think I've seen this girl appearing in some European videos, such as Videorama's 'Concerto Opus Sex' as "Vivian dos Passos", as well as 'Vivienne S'.

Am I right?

Re: Vivienne Perello

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 10:20 am
by alec
Very possibly - it is difficult to find out about Brit girls' appearances in foreign language films. do you have any further details, like distributor and where they can be bought from?

Re: Vivienne Perello

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 8:25 pm
by Pasta
you can see a small cover pic here:

it's a TeenieVision tape, from DBM.
I think it is her for sure, she's probably in a few other Euro tapes like Faust Fucker-Dirty Doctor that's already in BGAFD

I can email you a better cover pic (front and back) if you want, alec. I think that Leanne (from Faust Fucker) is in this too

Re: Vivienne Perello

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 8:28 pm
by Pasta
Interestingly, checking the cover I have for this tape, the label is Teenie Vision, on the XXX Imports site, it's Angel Vision. Wonder why?

Re: Vivienne Perello

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 8:33 pm
by alec
Dunno - but please e-mail me the cover. There are a couple of other Eruo titles listed here which I doscoverd from magazine reviews talking about British Viv or similar and assumed were her. Any confirmation would be welcome.

On the subject of European videos, if anyone has any please check them out for Brits!