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Confused ..just what is allowd ?

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:45 pm
by gregruk
Hi Guys n Gals
Just a little confused as to what is allowd to be viewed on UK Sat channels ... watched the Xplicitxxx channel last night and was treated to both ends of the spectrum BUT was pleasently surprised at the harder end .

This featured one of Rubber Rons great productions and nearly fell of my seat when you actually got serval dildo / pussy / insertion shots ! hav'nt seen that for a while on UK channels , am I missing something or is 2007 bringing us better things ?

So basic dumb question is , what is allowd ? and if Rons production can show it then why ar'nt the rest ?


Re: Confused ..just what is allowd ?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:39 am
by BobB
Hmmm -

Sounds like we've got another of those 'let's try and drum up a little trade for a going-out-of-business adult channel that hasn't shown a new program in the last 12 months' scam.

Happen to work for Xplicit by any chance grekruk?

Re: Confused ..just what is allowd ?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:19 am
by Pussyeater
I too am confussed!

I was watching the late night freeview on 'Sportxxx Babes' last night with Bonnie & Avalon.

Bonnie said that after encription you will see....... and I quote "Pussys spread wide open with dildo's being inserted into all holes, you will see it all with close up shots"

Is this true?

Has the law changed for 2007?

Re: Confused ..just what is allowd ?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:47 am
by BobB
Is this true?


Has the law changed for 2007?


The adult channels lie. Surely you must know this by now?

Re: Confused ..just what is allowd ?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:53 pm
by Jacques
No the Law has not changed and neither has Ofcon's "interpretation" of it.

Subscriptions must be falling again.......

Re: Confused ..just what is allowd ?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:07 pm
by Jacques
What is allowed? Simple answer:

R18 equivalent material is permitted to be broadcast, there is nothing in Law that says it can't be. The 'Ofcon Code' is not law, it is a set of guidelines that should comply to current law in order that broadcasters also comply. However it does not.

Ofcon do not allow it in their 'Published Code' because they feel that PIN protection, Credit Card Verification etc. is not enough to protect "harm to children".

That is the only reason you aren't allowed to watch it, not because it's illegal but because Board Members of Ofcon don't like it.

If it caused harm to children you wouldn't have R18 DVD's. The reason you have these is because no-one could find any at the High Court in 2000. So if Ofcon have proof they should just simply publish it.

Of course while these channels rake money in form 'the conned' - it will never change. They occasionally show such material when the subscriptions are flagging a bit.

Xplishit got fined for this very episode of Rubber Ron - looks like they'll be getting another.

Re: Confused ..just what is allowd ?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:39 pm
by BobB
Xplishit got fined for this very episode of Rubber Ron - looks like they'll be getting another.

You are believing our friend gregruk, of course, when he says that he saw it last night. I suspect that he never saw the episode for which Xplishit got fined, but knows that, as a fairly well-known episode, it would get some interest here.

If they did show that episode, I'll bet it was the ultra soft version. There is no way that they would show it again, given the size of the (supposed) fine they got last time. As a cynic of all things adult channel related, I am even sceptical when I hear of so-called Ofcon fines. The channels and Ofcon are so up each others arses, that I suspect that these fines are all part of the spin.

Re: Confused ..just what is allowd ?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:43 pm
by Jacques
I'm sure we'll all find out !wink!

Re: Confused ..just what is allowd ?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:49 pm
by gregruk
Hi Bob
Sorry to say am not employed by any adult channel let alone xplicit ... BUT was really surprised to see what I saw ... have watched the following nites programme and nothing even remotely like that shot can only assume it was a "subscription booster" or similar .

I dont "normally" subscribe to any channel but am doing some research for my own shoots later in the year and as you all have commentated this is "not allowd" .

Well least I had had the chance to see what I used to see regualarly on our old friend "filmnet" .... even if it was only a glimse.

Just to reiterate , I dont work for any company that works for or has any connection with any UK Sat service ...however anyone need a cameraman and I'm available lol ..

All best guys and thanks for your replies ,

Re: Confused ..just what is allowd ?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:21 pm
by one eyed jack
Jacques what you forgot to mention is that even if it is a guideline rather than law Ofcom have the power to get any channel that doesnt complies license pulled and all the money the investors have put into that station is non refundable I bet.

Thing is if it was ok to show R18 hardcore, whose to say that no one is going to push the boundaries by showing something really extreme to get the press. This probably is behind the thinking of those who dont want it legalised too I imagine.