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Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:51 pm
by Voice
On the subject of what is allowed or banned again I'm afraid.

Watched the lovely Morgan on either Babecast or Babstation last night - cant remember which and it doesnt really matter.

Now we all know how it works - 'Text in or call me. and I'll do anything you want!'


Text rolls across the screen asking Morgan to wear her glasses to which the lovely lady replies 'Sorry I'm banned from wearing them on this station!'

Now we all know the con about 'Text in or call me. and I'll do anything you want!' but am I the only one thinking that this really is taking it a bit far.

Re: Banned

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:32 pm
by BoogieKnight
your right matey, it's ridiculARSE!