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Sky Porn

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 6:04 pm
by Bennetto

Ive read a few threads on here regarding this and want to ask and add my 2 penneth.

After getting home pissed I thought id have a look at the sky porn channels rather than the usual dvd and realised its still as bad as it was.

Did I look at the wrong channel or is it this consistently poor. I saw a movie on Bravo a couple of weeks ago that showed more.

Still, I had to watch it for a couple of hours, to see if it got any better of course, and it didnt.

Am I really missing something cos I read a thread a bit ago saying there was some really good stuff on one channel


Re: Sky Porn

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:10 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
Don't waste your money.

Playboy package is full of repeats and much tamer than before. TVX has even more repeats and some of its shows are 15 year old Electric Blue shite. Xplicit has just been hammered by Ofwatch and hasn't had new material for a good year or so.
The pay per night channels are gardbage.


Re: Sky Porn

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:09 pm
by Jacques
And the real kick in the teeth?

There is no Ofcon regulation that requires any 18 rated softcore/boobcore to be encrypted during night time hours. As the softcore/boobcore channels are not allowed to show R18 equivalent then they must be showing 18 rated softcore/boobcore, and they are charging you for something that can be transmitted free to air.....

Re: Sky Porn

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:19 am
by vila
Which German Live Tv show? Channel and Satellite, pretty please?