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Laura Turner
Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 1:42 pm
by macus
Does anyone know if Laura is still making films? I saw a documentary on Channel 5 a few months ago featuring her and her B/F Chris Newz taking part in the swinging scene, and have been desparate to get hold of a vid showing her doing h/c. Can anyone recommend a good film of hers that may be fairly easy to obtain? Has she been in any Ben Dover flicks?
Thanks guys......
Re: Laura Turner
Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 2:31 pm
by joey
Why don't you try looking her up on this site? That is, after all, its purpose....
Click on "Girls", then "L" then look for her name.
Click on her name.
That should take you to a page with a list of her various films.
Simple, huh?
Re: Laura Turner
Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 3:11 pm
by alec
Not done any Ben Dover
A film made in 1999 is Fantasy Manor
either NCV or Oscar one (cna't remember which) and aklso Euroflex are selling this and it is also found in some sex shops in the 'Continental' range, but possibly not Sullivan-owned ones, whihc is most of them. and you can order form the site too.
Re: Theres a preview here of LT film
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 7:12 am
by fipotts
i bought one from the lordporn website - theres a view latest video on the bottom of the opening page - its there and a good film. hope this helps.