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Question re Rachel aka Naomi St James on BGAFD

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 4:29 pm
by Pasta
I'd like to ask a question regarding this lovely young lady: Rachel, who also appears as Naomi or Naomi St James.
I spotted a magazine called Waterworld 2 at this website:
I have a video with her in called High School (which is in BGAFD) where she wears this kind of outfit, indeed this magazine cover shot looks like it's from the same shot as this video's cover, but there isn't a pee scene in the video I have.
However, I believe she did one in the full version of Rocco More Than Ever.
So the question is: is that her, and if so, what movie is it from (the layouts in these mags are typically stills from vid shoots?

Re: Question re Rachel aka Naomi St James on BGAFD

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 5:39 pm
by alec
There may very well be another video out there, or a scene cut from High School. It is very difficult to find out about British girls in European videos without buying and watching every one that comes on the market.

There is a photo set out there somewhere called Vera and Jenny of Rachael and Nathalie with a guy. There is also a companion set, of which I have only one picture where the bloke is peeing on Nathalie's face while Rachael watches with a grin on her face.

The set I have was posted in the pigtails newsgroup. Can't remember it's full name.

Re: Question re Rachel aka Naomi St James on BGAFD

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 6:34 pm
by Phil K
The pictures Alec refers to, including the extra pee pic, are at

Re: Question re Rachel aka Naomi St James on BGAFD

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 12:14 am
by Ian
Amazing stuff Mr K, be grateful Pasta ? I am!

I have a well-worn copy of High School and I know I?ve seen some of those pee pictures scattered (sparsely) round the net. Same girls, but not in the movie, right?

I?d like to think they had been shagging everything in sight all day and then the stills photographer said: ?Hey, I?ve got some film left ? what do you fancy doing next?? But it?s more likely this was a sequence left out of the for-the-American-market version we all seemed to have ended up with.

So anyway, I was going to look at one of those categorised archive sites to see if I could help Pasta on this. But the pubs were shutting and I thought ?bollocks? (like you do) and gave up.

Then I came home and saw Phil K?s link.

I have had a place in my heart for Nathalie (well, a corner of a zip disc anyway) ever since I saw her as Francesca on a Fiona Cooper softie. (I have another corner for Rachel, as it happens.) But some of these are new to me ? bless you.

And at least your pictures confirm what I?d suspected, that the cock in the pissing pix belongs to that French geezer (he?s probably called Jean Yves ? they all are) who takes so many liberties with Donna Warner?s bottom on the kitchen table in the first High School scene. I don?t know what ?The Human Mushroom? is in French, but I bet that?s his nickname.

(Sorry Alec, I don?t know who the other girl in that movie is either?)

Thanks guys?

Re: Question re Rachel aka Naomi St James on BGAFD

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 6:13 am
by alec
I doubt if my version was for the American market - it's got a German soundtrack - or yours if it's got the fisting in it. Fisting has only recently been tolerated in the States as far as I know as Max Hardcore has pushed back the envelope,

Re: Question re Rachel aka Naomi St James on BGAFD

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 9:30 am
by Pasta
Thanks very much for all the comments and the link. Excellent!

Ian, the guy you mean is Yves Baillat, aka Yves Le Prince, who refers to his cock as "Champignon"...that's right - mushroom!

The copy I have of High School is the German original with the original sleeve etc. It has fisting but no peeing. It seems less usual to get peeing in DBM (the parent comapny who have all these labels like Obsession, Tornado, Electra, Dolly Buster etc) videos. They seem quite rigid about what goes in each line, usually anal and fisitng are common, but then they are more themed into particular fetishes like leather or young girls etc.

The trouble I find with a lot of German porn (although this movie is actually French made I think with German dubbing, which I hate also) is that it just has to be edited to 90 minutes. You often find that the last scene is butchered to make the 90 min mark - maybe something to do with the way the automatic dupilcation equipment is set up, I don't know. Stop rambling there! As you can tell I could rabbit about this stuff all day.

Thanks guys!

Re: Question re Rachel aka Naomi St James on BGAFD

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 9:49 am
by Pasta
I posted a comment already but I have to thank you directly, Phil, for those fantastic pics. I always love to see such pretty girls who clearly love to do such naughty stuff...if only that were more common in the "real" world ;-)

I also LOVED the other pics there, esp. Teresa from Club HC, wow, can you drop a hint where these originate.

Re: Question re Rachel aka Naomi St James on BGAFD

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 9:55 am
by Pasta
alec wrote:
> There may very well be another video out there, or a scene
> cut from High School. It is very difficult to find out about
> British girls in European videos without buying and watching
> every one that comes on the market.

The website I quoted in the first post in the thread states the following:
"Waterworld #2 - Eagerly awaited follow-up to the first issue, #2 continues to offer previously unpublished 'golden' pictorials from videos and magazines like "Anal Inspiration", "Good Lack", "Merry Xmas", "Girl Scouts" and "Fan Club". "

Presumably this pic is from "Girl Scouts", but whether this is a video or a mag, I don't know.

Re: Question re Rachel aka Naomi St James on BGAFD

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 10:34 am
by alec
there is a video called girl Scouts - I think it's on RGB's list.

Re: Question re Rachel aka Naomi St James on BGAFD

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 11:01 am
by Phil K
The pictures have been picked up from various newgroups - mainly The Rachel sets were actually passed on to me by Alec.