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michelle thorne here

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:15 am
by michelle thorne
Hi everyone, this is Michelle here.

I've been reading your comments and would like to reply to as many of them as possible in one go.

This is the first time I have posted on here mainly because I find some of your comments about myself and other models very hurtful. After all we are people with feelings? I have never had a post deleted and I am not exempt from criticism, but do you not think that some of your comments overstep the mark and are just a bit mean especially when some one attacks my character without even knowing me?

I always have time for fans wherever I am. I always stop and chat and have photos taken with them. I love meeting fans it was one of the main reasons I got in to modeing in the first place. It is a massive ego boost when someone recognises you. As for me being my own biggest fan that is ridiculous. Anyone who knows me knows that I am very down to earth. If anything I am my own biggest critic. I am one of the only models who will offer to do a shoot again for nothing if I think I haven't done a good job.

As regards any of my or other models performances not being up to scratch, you have to remember when we do a shoot we are paid to perform as the producer tells us to. We are acting a role that they have asked us to do, although everyone has off days as we are only human!

I would also like to say I am definitely not retired!! I have had a baby and took some time off last year when I was pregnant. This is the reason I have appeared inactive for a while I had the baby in January (by the way she was my first). I started modeling again 6 weeks after she was born and I have never been busier. Although most of the stuff hasn't come out yet but it's due to come out soon. is my only official website and it's taken years to get to the level it is now. As from now I will find more time to answer and chat on my forum plus there are loads of new sets due to go on.

It's a shame that some people feel the need to prejudge me without even knowing me. I have a wide circle of friends both in and out of the industry who know the real me.


Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:30 am
by tdktv180
nice to see someone sticking up for themselves well done michelle

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:48 am
by nasty
Well said, and belated congratulations on the birth of your child.

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:05 am
by dgenerate
Spot on! Was watching your virtual sex dvd the other day and didn't see anything to complain about whatsoever so thank you! !wink!
Hope motherhood is treating you well so far. !cool!

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:02 am
by Lolly Badcock
Hi babe,

Glad to hear you are back to work and you have a beautiful little girl.

Think i am working with you this coming week and cant wait.

See you soon
Lolly x

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:47 am
by one eyed jack
Its also things like this why girls in the industry dont respond to when under attack...I know somone else who reads this forum that is loved by many but wont respond for fear of attack (bless her lil cotton socks).

Not that UK models are above reproach but lets face it, this is more of a shrine where fans are supposed to be able to communicate with the girls in the industry/ its not a war zone. So be nice fellas.

If you cant contain the rage within and want to vent off said frustration by ripping off your shirt and screaming at the pitch of your voice in the middle of a field so to speak then I'm sure there are other forums for this....Please dont bring it to either because we wont care too much for negative rants either. It'll fall on deaf ears.

If you have a legitimate gripe then there is more than one way to say it without being hostile in your tone.

Save your hostilities for me. I quite enjoy them.

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:08 pm
by Pervert
Amen to that, Terry.

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:29 pm
by fudgeflaps
It's stated in the FAQ's that abuse or unjustified vitriol to another forumite is unacceptable. The mods adhere to this sternly, and for a member of this industry to isolate herself from the forum- essential for promotion, networking and, above all, WORK- for fear of some nutter giving her personal abuse, negative publicity or even threat of stalking/ physical attack is a disgrace.

I'm not advocating name and shame, but the models should have a discreet word with admin that personal issues beyond the scope of the forum are afoot, whereby the mods should confiscate the membership of the perpetrator/s.

Yeah, I had a wee rant about about Nikki from Big Bro.........a wee bit OTT, but that was just a daft opinion and a bit out of character. I think a lot of folk shared it though! !wink!

The petty, daft stuff is amusing- the bile and the personal attacks ain't. If the girls leave the forum, the appeal for the O/T crowd dwindles a wee bit, as a bit of banter with the girls is a massive perk of this board.

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:18 pm
by Benny Brando
Criticism is fine as long as it's said in a constructive and positive way. How someone puts there point across is the key.

As for Michelle then I've only ever seen you in one film, Have Dick Will Travel and you were pretty good in that. However I am biased as I have always been partial to females of the blonde persuasion.

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:29 pm
by NeilUK
Nice to see yes, but a great shame that someone of Michelle's calibre has to defend herself. She shouldn't need to, why is that we in Britain feel the need to attack people when they reach the top. Then we wonder why they move abroad.
So often on this forum we see posts saying "Why has (insert name here) gone to USA to work?"
One of the reasons may well be the lack of respect they get from people in the UK.
I have personal experience of how Michelle looks after and cares for her fans. In the past I have written to her, the usual fan mail stuff, I got a personal reply , handwritten within two weeks. No one gets to the top and stays there as long as Michelle without looking after her fans. That goes for any celebrity not just model.

Michelle, may you stay at the top for as long as you want to, I have no doubt you will
