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To all porn producers

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:03 pm
by lazyboy
Just a quick question.

why is it when amateurs who are regular followers of this site ask the question, is it possible for them to make their own film with a recognised model, they get very short and often rude answers from the pro's.

I think its great that so many of the producers take the time to answer questions for users of this site, but the above question is always given similar answers eg just get a hooker.

When i discussed this topic with friends who follow the porn industry, they agreed that individuals would pay large amounts to be filmed with recognised models, so why is it a sore subject.

The amounts the models earn fall well within the budget of some wealthy individuals who would be move than interested in using pro models in a home shoot (that would not be for release or publication).

somehow i think an opportuinity is being missed as i believe that everyone is in the industry to make money.

Re: To all porn producers

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:27 pm
by Joe A
How many amateurs have current and full HIV/STD certs is the # 1 question ? Some model do wotk with amateurs but they require the guy has at least 3 clear months of test certs before contemplating a shoot.

Professionals are known and couldn't sully their names by misbehaving at a shoot. What does a model know about Joe Blogs ?

These are two reasons off the top of my head.. I'm sure many other anwers will follow

Re: To all porn producers

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:49 pm
by one eyed jack
You have to understand a lot of producers are jaded and recognise that all if not most people who want in on the business is simply to fuck a porn model.

This in itself is ok but also the points that Joe A pointed out and that too many people actually start to screw up the mix , for example: A producer books a shoot with a model and has other models and a location booked then the booked model doesnt turn up because she accepted a better offer or just as bad, partying hard with that person (sniff-sniff, get my drift) therefore cant be arsed to show. This sort of thing can rattle a serious producers cage and we recognise that to a lot of people who do this they dont care one little bit. Why should they? That they have messed up someones shooting schedule....Not to mention too many people getting into the industry who dont know or care about making a decent film cluttering up the market with product and crowding out potential sales figures....The list goes on and I'm sure many producers have their reasons when they hear a newbie with money has come into the industry and rolls eyes skyward when they hear the same old...."I'm gonna do something that hasnt been done before"....Yawn. Then the ego that usually precedes this.

Dont get me wrong but unless any producer has been around for a space of time and earned their stripes they wont be taken seriously unless they are seen to have talent also which again is subjective from one person to another.

Whether my stuff is good or not is immaterial but 700 shoots deep does give me some say in the matter. Sorry for going on so long.

Re: To all porn producers

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:51 pm
by lazyboy
I take your points on board, but surely the use of condoms would be the answer to the first point.

as regards amateurs "playing up" as it were, the models would surely be accompanied, and money would have to change hands up front.

but i agree its probably a less actrive option than sticking to what you know. thanks

Re: To all porn producers

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:06 pm
by Josephine
ive worked with plenty of am's and as long as i use condoms if they are not tested ive never had a problem

Re: To all porn producers

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:06 pm
by lazyboy
many thanks for your answer (one eyed jack)

what you've said makes alot of sense to me as i spend considerable time,money and effort to keep amateurs from trying to access the fields my business operates in.

i still hold a major interest in the original question, but have no wish to fuck things up for anybody else.

Re: To all porn producers

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:09 pm
by lazyboy
thanks for answering. i feel i should reply to everybody who has been kind enough to take the time to answer. i could be answering messages all day. can i ask do you still work with amateurs.

Re: To all porn producers

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 2:06 pm
by Bob Singleton
lazyboy wrote:


The amounts the models earn fall well within the budget of some wealthy individuals who would be move than interested in using pro models in a home shoot (that would not be for release or publication).


Given some so-called "professional" producers use content for which they don't have a model release, why the hell should a model trust someone she doesn't know not to make the content available to a wider audience?

Re: To all porn producers

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:00 pm
by lazyboy
i don't see that its a huge problem. loose ends can be tied up from a legal point of view.

I can't help thinking that my point is being missed, the models can evaluate any risks or concerns they have and reflect it in the price. people would pay.

Re: To all porn producers

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:37 pm
by one eyed jack
Dont get me wrong Lazyboy...most ifnot all producers including myself come from an amateur background including myself therefore dont regard newbies as a nuisance at all.

My only qualm about the condom issue is that despite it being used responsibly, condoms do break from time to time.

What do you do the moment it splits and you pull out to just see a rubber ring smoking around your piece?....At least with tests (not perfect in itself either) you can not fret as much where as the models paperwork to work that month is compromised. Another reason why producers get miffed and thats only if the model was decent enough to reveal this in the first place...and therein lies another problem and another source of annoyance to producers.

I do see why amateurs can be annoyed at professionals too. Some of us go on like we've never been amateurs in the first place.