lynx wrote:
> I have to disagree with you. I have bought videos both from
> shops in Soho and from "your choice" and I have to say that
> the one big advantage that the Soho videos have is picture
> and sound quality.
> Although I have bought some very good quality videos from
> "your choice" I have also recieved some with very poor
> picture quality (almost unwatchable) also I really hate the
> laughable dubbed voice acting on some of the videos available
> from "your choice".
> This is only true however of the R18 type videos, i.e the
> official ones with the proper boxes, the other "imported"
> videos available in these shops are usually extremly poor 3rd
> or 4th generation copies.
I find this contrary to my limited personal experience. I haven't tried R18 yet but I have never had trouble with pirate tapes. I have stuck with Maxim and the Cornische on Frith Street since they have never ripped me off (and *that* is some statement for a Soho-based business

). I don't know what generation thetapes are are but with one exception (and this was a French tape converted from SECAM, so it may explain it) the picture quality has ranged from perfectly acceptable to pristine.
I have only bought from Your Choice once and was equally pleased. Their problem is that their catalog is small.
PS If somebody can vouch for another Soho establishment of similar quality to the two I mentioned, I will give it a shot.
PPS The best source of hardcore of course is to have a pal mail it to you from Europe

. Customs is not intercepting any more.