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Re: Nikki Platts Pics / Vids WANTED

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 9:11 pm
by John

The video 'Pralle Euter ... Straume Schwanz' which features both Nikki Platts and Dawn Phoenix was, and maybe still is, available from Danskfoto at, video number 857

Nikki: DP and Anal
Dawn: Anal and fist

Casting is by Kirsten Casting of London (sounds like Kirsten Halborg) so there are probably other Brits in there which I haven't yet identified.

Re: Nikki Platts Pics / Vids WANTED

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 11:54 am
by wayne
I have got some of her stuff If your intrested in some swaps or something just get back to me.

Its to know theres another admirer of her out there!


Re: Nikki Platts Pics / Vids WANTED

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 1:23 pm
by Pasta
The Janet Tennant-Smythe refered to as "office manager" and (pictured too)at Danskfoto at is none other than...Kirsten Halborg! Small world...

Nikki Platts Pics / Vids WANTED

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 7:13 am
by Jed

Does anyone out there have any Nikki Platts Videos or URL's where I can find pics.

In anticipation
