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Re: Forum for non-UK girls?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 8:59 pm
by John
As well as many other Worldwide users including a large number of regular posters from Europe.

Re: Forum for non-UK girls?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 9:09 pm
by Imperator
joey wrote:

> You could try the USENET newsgroup rec.arts.movies.erotica - a > moderated newsgroup read by many in and "around" the US
> industry

Yes, please do check RAME out - it is not only meant for US porn (as a matter of fact it was not meant for porn only, softcore and mainstream erotica discussion is also welcome though unfortunately rare). I should know, I was one of the proponents of the group and am still one of the moderators :-). We definetely welcome, nay *need*, UK posters and British
girl discussions.

I have been lurking in this forum for a while and have been admiring the knowledge and camaraderie of the participants (not to mention the quality of the database). I would dearly like to see some of this discussion (and friendliness) spill over in the newsgroup. It is very frustrating for the few UK-based participants in RAME (of whom I am one) to refrain from harping about the charms of this or the other British lady with other knowing perverts :-).

You all take care.

(moderator rec.arts.movies.erotica)

Re: Forum for non-UK girls?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 9:27 pm
by John
While I agree fully with this and also know that a number of posters in this Forum also use rame (including myself and Phil K), the advantage of the BGAFD Forum is the narrowness of the subject matter which might otherwise get lost in the wideness of the subject covered by rame.

Having said that I'm sure that any 'new blood' into rame would be welcomed, and might even show some of the posters in there that there is such a thing as porn outside of America.

Re: Forum for non-UK girls?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 11:04 pm
by Imperator
John wrote:
> While I agree fully with this and also know that a number of
> posters in this Forum also use rame (including myself and
> Phil K), the advantage of the BGAFD Forum is the narrowness
> of the subject matter which might otherwise get lost in the
> wideness of the subject covered by rame.

But of course. Contrary to popular belief, rame mods are not power-crazed loonies bent of destroying all other Net fora for the greater glory of their pet project :-) :-) :-). This place is great and deserves to thrive (as I am sure it will, no matter what *I* say). We have recently added a pointer to BGAFD in the Links section of and hopefully poster migration will happen in both directions.

One thing I admire about the BGAFD and its forum is exactly this sort of concentration of specialized expertise you mention, one that a generic usenet group cannot easily achieve. On the other hand, usenet still reaches a wider demographic and networks more experts/fans than web based fora. I see the two media as as complementary and not competing.

> Having said that I'm sure that any 'new blood' into rame
> would be welcomed, and might even show some of the posters in
> there that there is such a thing as porn outside of America.

Exactly. Plus, hopefully, entice more UK experts currently lurking to jump into the discussion. I *know* that for every lattara (an example of a brilliant UK poster we DO have) we secure as a regular, we lose 10 other potential usenet legends who are deterred by the preponderance of US material. I get lots of emails from UK readers asking me questions directly by email (and I am NOT that much of an expert, not even 1/100th the calibre of somebody like Peter Van Aarle, I'm just a moderator who happens to live in the UK); to my standard question of "why don't you ask the question in the group to spur discussion and get responses from the real experts and not amateurish ignoramuses like myself?", they invariably respond that they are intimidated by the almost exclusively US-oriented content. Indeed, some people have even asked me in advance if the charter excludes non-US hardcore discussion (which it most certainly does not).


PS Being usenet born-and-bred, I go for long-winded posts :-)

Re: Forum for non-UK girls?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 5:36 am
by John
I noticed the link on last weekend.

For anyone in this Forum who's not exactly sure what rame is all about a visit to will answer their questions.

And to re-iterate what imperator said earlier, rame is moderated - with a light touch - so threads are kept 'on topic' and spam does not get through.

Re: Forum for non-UK girls?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 1:30 pm
by joe king
What exactly is the URL for the forum?

Re: Forum for non-UK girls?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 1:43 pm
by Pasta
I was heartened to read that you would like more UK or European contributions to RAME. I have had mixed experiences with posting to RAME, it does seem at times like a "closed shop" with the same few people debating with each other and ignoring other posts. Plus some of the attitudes towards the world outside the US expressed by some RAME posters are quite offensive.
On the other hand it can be a source of interesting discussion and some useful info. The RAME site and IAFD are a fantastic resource, but again they are not good for European porn, which I prefer even if released by US labels like Evil Angel etc.

Re: Forum for non-UK girls?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 6:53 pm
by Imperator
Pasta wrote:
> I was heartened to read that you would like more UK or
> European contributions to RAME. I have had mixed experiences
> with posting to RAME, it does seem at times like a "closed
> shop" with the same few people debating with each other and
> ignoring other posts. Plus some of the attitudes towards the
> world outside the US expressed by some RAME posters are quite
> offensive.

The impression you have got is really a result of moderation having been too lenient in the past. If anything, the moderators' fault has always been erring on the side of toleration of borderline posts (reading the bitching and moaning about the moderators though in some alt.* newsgroups , you get the impression that we are all a bunch of censoring fascists or worse).

In the last year we have made a concerted effort of tightening the guidelines. Civility is now more strictly enforced and most of the misogynous posters have been curbed. We cannot do anything about a few people appearing to monopolize the discussion; if they want to post 100 messages a day and they stay within the charter, let them. The only countermeasure is for the new posters to persevere and keep posting. I am sure that even if a small block of the regulars here start 3-4 threads in rame, not only will they not be "swamped" by the usual suspects but they may even draw a couple of lurkers from the bush.

> On the other hand it can be a source of interesting
> discussion and some useful info. The RAME site and IAFD are a
> fantastic resource, but again they are not good for European
> porn, which I prefer even if released by US labels like Evil
> Angel etc.

The problem is that the IAFD is the work of a single amazing person: my pal Peter Van Aarle. Peter has been following US porn since the 70s and he hasn't had the exposure to Euro (much less UK) product. I always try to get him to watch more quality Euro like Video Marc Dorcel or Silvio Bandinelli but he is resisting :-). He has also told me that he dislikes compiling database entries for Euro and UK based actresses because it is very hard work. They generally only use a first name as alias (no surname) and they change even this very regularly. In this he has a point: witness the presenter girls in the Adult Channel; even Cathy Barry whom we all know too well has become "Nikki".

Anyway, to cut the very long story short. RAME needs more European and UK oriented discussion. The "authorities" are certainly sympathetic: of the 6 moderators, 2 are Dutch, and one is UK based.


Re: Forum for non-UK girls?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 8:42 pm
by alec
Imperator wrote:
> The problem is that the IAFD is the work of a single amazing
> person: my pal Peter Van Aarle. Peter has been following US
> porn since the 70s and he hasn't had the exposure to Euro
> (much less UK) product. I always try to get him to watch more
> quality Euro like Video Marc Dorcel or Silvio Bandinelli but
> he is resisting :-). He has also told me that he dislikes
> compiling database entries for Euro and UK based actresses
> because it is very hard work. They generally only use a first
> name as alias (no surname) and they change even this very
> regularly. In this he has a point: witness the presenter
> girls in the Adult Channel; even Cathy Barry whom we all know
> too well has become "Nikki".
She's certainly been calling herself Cathy Barry lately.

First names only - too true - which is why it is essential to watch the films and why we have pictures on this database. If there were 36 hours in the day and I wasn't struggling with contact lens problems I'd compile a list of the errors on iafd relating to British girls, especially in Ben Dover films. If someone would like to use this database to do that, they are very welcome to do so. For example (off the top of my head and apologies if these have already been corrected) Roxanne Hall has only done one Ben Dover - she has been mistaken for Claire Collins in the later one she is credited with on iafd. Holly of London Calling is Sloane of Lewd Conduct. Zoe 'Lipardus' of Cumming to Ibiza 2 - Sex Lies and Audtiotape is not the Zoe of English Porno Groupie - she is probably Jasmine. Michelle of Debauchery 6 and Sodomania Gang Bangs is not a Brit and not the same as the Michelle of Ben Dover's Foxy Ladies (Michelle [7] here) etc. etc. Please pass these on if you want to.

Re: Forum for non-UK girls?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 9:26 pm
by joey
it's a USENET newsgroup. So the url would be:

But that will only work if you are already set up to read USENET news (ask your ISP.)
You can also access USENET via the web, for example by creating yourself an account at - I explained how to do this in a previous thread somewhere on this board. Once logged in, do a search for rec.arts.movies.erotica.

If you are not familiar with USENET, a great surprise is in store!