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Another VidShop tale?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 1:09 pm
by Ian
I?ve been watching your correspondence on these people and figured I?d probably got off lightly.

I ordered two DVDs from them at the beginning of October (they confirmed my order by e-mail on the 10th) and the first arrived okay ? a bit late, but it did arrive.

Then ? nothing. No DVD and, almost as irritating, no response to any of my increasingly frantic e-mails.

So I put it down to experience. They are either crap at ripping people off (otherwise why send anything?). Or they are crap at fulfilling their orders. Well, you decide?

Today the second DVD arrived, more than three months after I?d ordered it. Only it wasn?t the second DVD. It was the first one again!

I guess I?ll have to go through the motions and ask them if I can send it back and get a replacement, but their communication skills thus far don?t offer too much hope.

In which case I?ll be offering to sell a brand new (still in the original sleeve) copy of Diabolic No 5. Not much use to you guys though ? not a single British girl in it

Re: Another VidShop tale?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 3:19 pm
by Ned
Been to their site to check out this title and can't find it. The Search feature doesn't work! What a lame effort!! Check out the DVD thread written by me....

Re: Another VidShop tale?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 3:43 pm
by joe king
What is the title exactly ?
Is it '2 on 1' or 'Debauchery' No5 ?

2 on 1 No 5


Debauchery No 5

How much are asking?

Re: Another VidShop tale?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 4:44 pm
by alec
I think vidshop went into great decline round about spring last year. Previously they had posted offers to and a guy called Rich was very easy to get in touch with responded to e-mails, offered to obtain specific tapes not listed on their site etc. Then Rich was heard of no more and they got appallingly incompetent - I've had a DVD delivered in place of a VHS tape - but I did get 2 boxed Private originals out of them as compensation after threatening to contribute to flames in the news group. About this time also they redesigned their website very much for the worse from the point of view of finding British stuff and Private stuff. All the complaints about them since have put me off ordering from them again. I don't think they are actually crooks but they are totally incompetent - even more so than Tamara used to be (got two correct orders from Tamara recently so they've been uprated in my estimation).

Re: Another VidShop tale?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 4:49 pm
by trigg
You mentioned Tamara and how accurate they are at fullfilling their orders, well I ordered three vids before xmas and got them 22/12. But not what I ordered!! I emailed Ian and phoned him on the matter and the blame was put down to my writing, yet when I ordered I used their cat nos and their titles. The correct tape was on its way Thursday of last week and guess what..... I'm still waiting.

Re: Another VidShop tale?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 4:58 pm
by Ian
Sorry Joe, it?s Debauchery 5. Like I said, I?ll give them the chance to make things good first ? that way I don?t lose any money! If that doesn?t work I?ll contact you through this board

Re: Another VidShop tale?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 6:48 pm
by alec
I must have been lucky last week then. But at least you can phone them up and complain.

Re: Another VidShop tale?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 1:30 pm
by PaulE
The comment about them going downhill since last Spring seems to bear out my own experiences.

I first ordered from them (1 video) just over a year ago and not only got an e-mail confirmation but the tape arrived within about 10-12 days.

However, I put in another order around April/May and got no order confirmation and no tapes after about 3-4 weeks. I faxed a complaint to them and, I'm pleased to say, my (correct) order arrived a few days later!!

After reading other comments in this excellent forum, I don't think I'll be doing any further business with them.