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Michelle Thorne out of X factor

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:26 pm
by pj
Man, it was really tough seeing her cry like that. But, compared to some of the people who made it through, she is more marketable as a pop singer.

Best of luck for the future babe. Don't worry, your star WILL shine.


Re: Michelle Thorne out of X factor

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:41 pm
by Jayr
It wound me up when one of Sharon's lackies said she was just a glamour model trying to sing! She has a fantastic voice and should have made it through but I suppose they couldn't see past her present "job" which is a shame. I too wish her all the best in what ever she does now!

Re: Michelle Thorne out of X factor

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 10:10 pm
by bigboy
She was doomed as soon as it was Sharon making the decision, if it was Simon she would be singing in the final. Stil look on the bright side, if she did go through we could kiss good bye to seeing those lucious lips again!! Hail Michelle quality Singer and quality cock springer!! :-)))))

Re: Michelle Thorne out of X factor

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:48 am
by joffo
When Kate asked Michelle what she was going to do know, im sure i speak for all her fans when i say i hope she continues in what we all love her doing, and what she does best.But what ever she decides, i wish her all the best for the future and she can take heart from the fact that a lot worse singers made it through in place of her.

Re: Michelle Thorne out of X factor

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 2:20 pm
by pj
You must be sophie from belfast.

Any chance of a pic? Upload one to imageshack and post here.


Re: Michelle Thorne out of X factor

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 2:22 pm
by pj
oooops, mods delete my post, posted in wrong thread.


Re: Michelle Thorne out of X factor

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 2:29 pm
by Jayr
Well according to the Sky Digital Text (170 on wards for those that have it!) she's going to give it another go next year AFTER THE BABY!

If it's true then all I can say is congratulations to both Michelle & Jason and all the best!

Re: Michelle Thorne out of X factor

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:00 pm
by rdm
Yes, I concur with the above. Best of luck to Michelle - she looked absolutely gutted, and rightly so.

Re: Michelle Thorne out of X factor

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 7:24 pm
by number 6
Sad to say it but she will never make it big...purely because shes a porn of the pops arent going to let some woman whos appeared in several hardcore porn films become the latest kylie will never happen...if she hadnt toook the move to go into porn she would have walked that x factor no bother...but thats the decision she made.

Re: Michelle Thorne out of X factor

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:50 am
by brooks
After getting my regular email from Holy Moly with a section about Michelle and some links to her pissing videos I was 100% confident that she would go no further.

The harsh reality of current society is that although the media prints articles about porn being mainstream and acceptable etc etc it isnt. If you are a porn star you are not going to be accepted on tv or anywhere else as anything but that.

You might get 15 minutes in the spotlight as a novelty act but that is all it will be.

The X factor uses people to get ratings full stop. You arent going to be famous from it for any more than 6 months and it used Michelle to get a little extra publicity because it knows how the media machine works.

I dont believe they had any intention of letting Michelle go any further.

I don't agree with it but its fact.