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R18DVD Shop

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:32 pm
by rednose
It looks like there has been some dodgy dealing in the industry.

I have just been on the R18DVDShop web page , there is a notice on the front of the web page that someone has tried to screw up his credit card processing.

I obviously don't know the details but I would like to wish Jay well, for consistantly supplying British DVDs at very good prices and delivering them swiftly.


Re: R18DVD Shop

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:30 pm
by R18 DVD Shop
Thanks for your comments Rednose and also to all the others who have emailed me. Dont worry, this is not the end for me - just a little setback which obviously I would have preferred not to have happened but hey shit happens and if anything this just makes me more determined than ever to continue and also proves my business model works as someone out there really wants to see me fail.


Re: R18DVD Shop

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:04 am
by eduardo
Your business obviously is working mate as the competition only do this if you are taking orders away from them and therefore a threat. It's a thinly veiled sign of respect.

As I said before then watch it with the R18 and legal side of things as that's the next logical step for someone to go down if they are trying to cause you problems and if the Trading Standards/Old Bill get a complaint then they have to respond to it which could bring further trouble to you.