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Better late than never.... i hope

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:24 pm
by Rebekah
Ok guys and gals, i love you all, well most anyway, and its about bloody time i put something up here, so here goes.

Yes i have retired, i never intended to but i guess having a gorgeous little boy and a gorgeous and brilliant partner thrown into the deal as well changes ones priority's, there isn't much more i can do for porn as i've tried pretty much all the things i would do in the industry, shagged and/or worked for most of the icons of porn and made a teeny weeny dent in the business, so for now it is goodbye, i miss porn terribly i'd be lying if i said otherwise, especially America, where i had some of my most fun times, but until the day my partner runs away from me and i fail to catch him, i have hung up my..... well you know what i mean.

For now i am working as a senile Dementia specialist, and life is preety good.
kisses always,
love to all my fans, without you I would just be Rebekah Jordan, with you i am The Rebekah Jordan aka kinky

P.S i do still get and read my e-mails, it just takes me forever to reply to them all

Re: Better late than never.... i hope

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:56 pm
by Jock Strap
You made more than a teeny weeny dent in the business.
You made an old man very happy!!
All the best for the future.

Re: Better late than never.... i hope

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:13 am
by boywithface
and you were on tv many a night during my younger teens.

Re: Better late than never.... i hope

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:48 am
by Ned
"For now i am working as a senile Dementia specialist"

Keeping in touch with Mr Dover then? ;-)

Good luck Rebekah.

Re: Better late than never.... i hope

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:30 am
by colin
best of luck for the future Becky, you are sorely missed!!

Re: Better late than never.... i hope

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:54 pm
by marto1971
Have to agree with the other, made many a night for me

thanks and good luck for the future

Re: Better late than never.... i hope

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:28 pm
by spunkie
Both sad and happy news. I for one am gonna miss Rebekah, always had time for her fans on her web page, and a true great. Any girl who is prepared to take on the likes of Max Hardcore and enjoy the experience is a true legend! You're gonna be missed Rebekah but we have the memories. All best wishes xxxxxxx