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Jobby Dealer

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:18 am
by thebigbobby
Does anyone know what has happened to Alex. I am unable to open his web site. I have tried to e-mail him regarding an order I haven't received, that was ordered at the begining of the month. It would be a shame to lose a handy website as his.

Re: Jobby Dealer

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:28 am
by Girlfan
The Jobbydealer site seemed to have problems from early May, when all of a sudden the forum went offline with a message saying that it would be back by June 1st. However we passed June 1st and then July 1st with no forum, and finally the site "disappeared" (as thebigbobby reported) about two weeks ago.
This site was just awesome, the best place on the 'net to get retro UK mags, by far. The forum was great too, lots of contributors, lots of banter, top stuff. To top it all Alex is a really nice bloke. Like you, I have tried to email him a couple of times since the site stopped being updated, but have had no replies. Any other Jobby Forum members out there know anything else - are you out there Raymie, Wolf, Hattertim, Sharkhunter or any of the others - and what are we going to do without Jobby if it's really gone for good? Please reply!

Re: Jobby Dealer

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:39 am
by Girlfan
I see also that the Model Directory (Mdir) has gone down as well. That was associated with the Jobby site, but at a different location. If you type in their address you get the message "This site has been taken down for the moment."
The plot thickens!

Re: Jobby Dealer

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:03 pm
by Girlfan
thebigbobby - if you look here
you'll see that Alex's contact page still exists, complete with a contact 'phone number. Maybe you could try that? There's also a phone number for the shop somewhere on the links page of this site. Hope that helps - let us know.

Re: Jobby Dealer

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:57 am
by Girlfan
thebigbobby wrote:

> Does anyone know what has happened to Alex. I am unable to
> open his web site. I have tried to e-mail him regarding an
> order I haven't received, that was ordered at the begining of
> the month. It would be a shame to lose a handy website as his.
Did you ever get your order? It would be totally out of character for Jobby not to deliver - he usually managed it inside of 48 hours.
Does anyone know anything more about what happened to the Jobbydealer site?

Re: Jobby Dealer

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:43 am
by davewells
Alec is having staffing probs at the mo and will get back to jobby site when he can.

Re: Jobby Dealer

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:58 pm
by Girlfan
davewells wrote:

> Alec is having staffing probs at the mo and will get back to
> jobby site when he can.

Cheers for the info, davewells. It's good to hear that the site isn't gone forever.

Re: Jobby Dealer

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:17 pm
by Robches
Does anyone know of any similar sites to jobbydealer?

Re: Jobby Dealer

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:26 am
by Girlfan
Good news - I tried the site just now and it's back up! I will try an order soon to check.
Forum not back yet, though. Still, a positive step - at least we can browse all those covers again!

Re: Jobby Dealer

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:55 am
by Girlfan
More good news for Jobby fans! The site has "gone" again, but is *promised* to be back on October 10th.