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To Tequila R.E. Professional Conduct of James C

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 10:26 pm
by njf0606
Dear Tequila

Im sorry to have to place this on here though, I had no option due to the none responsive reply from yourself regarding this matter.

I recently emailed you, regarding some work within the industry both UK and USA direct to your email address, when I was confronted a day or so later with a reply to the email sent from a James Crofty stating...

"get a life Prick."

I replyed to this, stating about the work being genuine, then to recieve another message...

"haha completly forgot i sent that, ahhh drunken nights, but anyways indeed im sure it would be aslong as your not interested in Tequila for anything other than professional business couldnt really give a shit what you say."

Again I replyed to this asking if he represented you, as if this was his mannor of business, then I didnt think you or him would last long in this industry, to this I got a third reply...

"No i dont represent Sarah in this Industry in any way at all
I do in her personal life though
I was sorry to send what i did (mostly though drink and bein in a bad mood)
But i know alot of people try and give alot of fake shit to get her to do very amateur business which she no longer does."

All that im asking is that would you please inform me why somebody like that is answering your emails and replying to them in such an unprofessional form of conduct, as this I am sure that it would reflect on your modelling career.

All the best and I hope you do get back to me.