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Viewers' Wives needs your help (again)

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 12:35 pm
Hi there everyone,

We need your help (again).

I'm sure you all know our Your Choice Viewers' Wives series. Scene after scene of amateur contributors revealing their sexual secrets for your pleasure.

We would like to ask everyone if you have genuine home footage you would like us to consider, please write to the producer, Paul Ames, Dept. V.W., Postbus 2138, 1000 CC, Amsterdam, Holland, for details. Or email me on the address above.

We pay ?15 per minute for footage edited into the compilations.
A bonus scheme also exists, an extra ?500 to the wife of the show.

Share your wife with the nation!

We can't do it without you!

(Moderators please feel free to move this post if I was wrong in posting to this forum)

Re: Viewers' Wives needs your help (again)

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 3:17 pm
by Arnold Layne

When are you going to release them on DVD & VHS simultaneously? I just think ?20 or whatever it is nowdays for a VHS tape isn't worth it, regardless of the content, I stopped buying the Viewers wives tapes for this, especially as most of them were in mono, and the one's that wasn't dodged between stereo & mono, I know it's amateur footage, but in this day and age, releasing the latest one's just on VHS then slowly onto dvd ages later is milking it, it's a shame you can't find a distributor to release them on R18, as there is a gap in the market for genuine homemade dvd's I think, not all this semi professional so called amateur stuff.

Re: Viewers' Wives needs your help (again)

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:27 pm
by one eyed jack
Hi Arnold, If you ready my announcement on my Yahoo group, you'd have found out that Wrist Action are going to distribute the Viewers Wives series on r18. Dvd only.

Re: Viewers' Wives needs your help (again)

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 5:37 am
by Arnold Layne
Have tried to log on there a few times Tel, but always coming up error, my pc has trouble with certain servers, cheers for the info, look foward to them, have most of the VW's on cassette, no'one expects THX mastered with genuine homemade you know? but conisdering the job YC done on your 7 DVD's (Have dick - Muff riders) I'd rather upgrade my VHS to one of them DVD's than buy a new VW on cassette, or wait for a Best of VW dvd.

Re: Viewers' Wives needs your help (again)

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 7:05 am
by WoodWhacker
Can I ask if there are any plans to re-release VW 1-whatever one came out on DVD first on DVD?

I've got all of the original VHS versions up to 25 then the rest on DVD. Would like to get the early ones on DVD (without having to copy them myself) if possible.


Re: Viewers' Wives needs your help (again)

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 10:19 am
by GeoffRandall
Your Choice:

You want to see if you can get Rhonda from VW 39 - back - she seems to have done nothing else, but is stunning - she's almost worth a DVD in herself. Also at her least bit seems "real" - some of the other are too well shot to be friends, g/f etc.


Re: Viewers' Wives needs your help (again)

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 9:17 pm
by stm distribution
hi arnold,we will make an anouncment on viewers wives here when they are in the shops,hopefully in a couple of weeks

Re: Viewers' Wives needs your help (again)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 6:20 am
by Jacco
What do you mean we never reply? We always reply to questions, but not always immediately, especially during the weekend. You know, we don't work 24/7, as strange as it sounds.

And as for advertising, our advertisement is on every page of the BGAFD already.

Re: Viewers' Wives needs your help (again)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 3:54 pm
by Supafly
Don't like to spam Jay, but maybe we could come to some arrangement regarding advertising your request on if you make it worthwhile for us? And too.

We get lots of real amateur movies submitted :o)