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BGAFD5 Could Be the Best Yet!

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:03 pm
by Wendy
The number of porn actresses who've said they'll be along to BGAFD5 has now reached 15 and still counting! In fact, I think we'll be getting the record for the most UK hardcore porn actresses under one roof if only the Guinness Book of Records has such a category :-)

The upshot of this is that if you don't order a ticket and get to the party surely someone will be questioning your sanity. There are still tickets left so get your order in now! (to see how go to )

Wendy XXX

Re: BGAFD5 Could Be the Best Yet!

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 5:46 pm
by Maverick
Cheque going in the post tomorrow! =)

Re: BGAFD5 Could Be the Best Yet!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 3:50 am
by reneeger
i recieved my ticket ok and thanks for sending it wendy.

Re: BGAFD5 Could Be the Best Yet!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 4:07 am
by steve56
how comes i have the reneeger id?

Re: BGAFD5 Could Be the Best Yet!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:12 am
by colin
i would like to attend, but being just a punter i'm wondering how many like me will be there as i don't want to end up standing around not knowing anyone personally. does everyone tend to stick to their own groups or is there a large amount of mixing?

Re: BGAFD5 Could Be the Best Yet!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:35 am
by Ace
Don't worry colin, Steve56 will 'find' you out ;-)

I found that the previous one I attended BGAFD2 was excellent in so much as several of the ladies were only too happy to chat and socialise, whereas some others DID stick in a group and didn't mix with anyone outside the industry.
I found Sandie, Violet Storm, Sara Beattie and Wendy posed for pics, signed DVD cases and didn't ponce drinks from fans which is a new one. Whenever I used to go clubbing, gals would only be happy if they skanked drinks for free all night.
Terry and Marcus were very nice and courteous and I left thinking I'd met some great people

Re: BGAFD5 Could Be the Best Yet!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 12:20 pm
by steve56
think you will enjoy it colin .

Re: BGAFD5 Could Be the Best Yet!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 1:07 pm
by Wendy

Don't worry, the whole point of the party is for the punters, as you put it, to meet the actresses in a nice non-commercial setting. You will NOT be left out.

Wendy XXX

Re: BGAFD5 Could Be the Best Yet!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 2:09 pm
by steve56
cant wait to meet you again wendy, and penelope.