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Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:00 pm
by Sean Richards
I have a question to all men who like looking at naked ladies (which let's face it, represents nearly all of us).

We all know that 98% of glamour models today are shaved or heavily trimmed. My question is this:

Are 98% of models shaved because that's what 98% of us want to look at?

Or are 98% of models shaved because that's what THEY want to look like?

What I would really like to know, once and for all, is what percentage of men prefer the natural 1970's look. Is it only 2%? Anyone with a preference either way, please reply!

I guess I have a vested interest in asking the question since I am a so-called photographer of natural women. I am very curious to find out what men today really think when seeing all that hair, e.g. on my webpage ...

Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:25 pm
by fcvideos
Bush lovely mmmmm!!

Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:19 pm
by davey
bush yuk!!! freshly shaved pussy just come out of the shower.unbeatable smell and taste. beautiful

Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:39 pm
by Sir Noel Plum
Most models shave because most guys prefer them that way. I find the 'natural 70's look' about as appealing as I find hairy armpits, which is not very!

That said, the market is saturated with shaven stuff so although your potential market may be smaller your product has more of a chance of standing out from the crowd.


Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 10:50 pm
by Officer Dibble
"Are 98% of models shaved because that's what 98% of us want to look at?"


"Or are 98% of models shaved because that's what THEY want to look like?"

Not really. They simply shave because all their peers are doing it. They do it because they heard that some naff z-list celerity does it - just like they adopt the same wanky hairstyle or clothes. That's it. There is no practical or professional reason and there has been no pondering. Sometimes the more thoughtful girl will attempt to justify shaving her beaver by talking about 'hygiene', but that's all cobblers. If there were anything detrimental to having a full bush nature, in the form of natural selection, would have done the job for them over the course of the last million years or so. And isn't it odd that it has taken umpteen thousand years for women to come to the conclusion, just 10 years ago, that having a full bush was unhygienic? The reason a girl will talk about hygiene in this context is because she would feel foolish admitting to others, and to herself, that she has simply shaved her beaver to be like Jordan, or Posh Spice in Heat magazine, and to fit in with her peers. And sometimes when you pose this question to a girl they will just look back at you blankly and admit they haven?t got a clue why they do it.

"What I would really like to know, once and for all, is what percentage of men prefer the natural 1970's look. Is it only 2%? Anyone with a preference either way, please reply!"

Hardly. Where did you pluck the "2%?? This is not the first time this issue has been discussed and the consensus is usually around 50% for and 50% against.

My preference is for bush. Why? The sight of that dark triangle presses some button deep in my primeval soul - just like nature designed it to. Mature females without bushes to me look odd, unnatural, deformed, unstimulating. I can't understand chaps who say otherwise - are the simply being pretentious? Are they simply saying they like the current status quo just so they can conform and feel part of the gang? Is it because maybe they are too timid to say otherwise? Or are there darker reasons why they prefer the pre-pubescent look?

A proportion of the consumers I know have expressed in writing their dismay at all this creepy bald beavered palaver and are now turning to pre-early 90's erotica. I also recently noted that the most influential figure in Brit-porn - Ben Dover himself - came out in an AVN interview expressing frustration and dismay that he could not get any unpretentiously NATURAL girls for his movies, sexy girls who could boast proper beavers and real tits.

Officer Dibble

Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:06 pm
by Officer Dibble
"bush yuk!!! freshly shaved pussy just come out of the shower.unbeatable smell and taste. beautiful"

Surely shaved pussy fresh out of the shower would have no smell or taste, since all the pheromones (sex scent) would have been washed away? For all intents and purposes it would be sexually sterile, inert. Indeed, one of the functions of pussy hair is to trap and retain those crucial pheromones. We often talk about 'sexual chemistry? as an abstract concept. But here, in this context, it is very real.

Officer Dibble

Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:08 pm
by Officer Dibble
"Most models shave because most guys prefer them that way"

How do you know most guys prefer that?

Officer Dibble

Re: Shaved v. Unshaved - What's the Final Score?

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:46 am
by mart
Big debate about shaved vs. unshaved female pubic hair. Why don't we get a similar debate about male facial hair? Natural vs. un-natural.
Come on girls, what's your opinion?


Re: Attn Sean

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:05 am
by Ace
Whatever the debate, and Im a bush man, just like to say GREAT gallery!!!