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Laura's 'sexysharn' site

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:12 pm
by Andy J. Potter
I am in the process of trying to join Laura Hermansen's "sexysharn" site, and would be interested to hear from other people on the Forum here about whether they think it is worth sending your money off.

I am unable to join through the normal route (having gone into the 'sign-up' option on the site, that irritating 'page cannot be displayed' thing comes up when I try to proceed any further), and have therefore made email enquires about how I can join. The responses I've had have said that I can join for 6 months for $50.00 (I think that's about 35 quid) and that I should send off a Money Order to a P.O.Box number in Colorado Springs in the USA. Then the webmaster will apparently email me a password and then I'm in.

Has anyone who may be reading this, and who has joined this site, had to do the same thing? And if so, did it all work out or not? Did you send the money order off and never hear anything again? A huge amount of trust is involved in something like this as a Money Order is effectively cash, and you could send it off and never hear anything back.) Anyone else who has joined please let me know how they got on. Or did you maybe join though another means?

I have posted things on this Forum about Laura Hermansen before as I am such an enourmous fan of hers. The lovely Laura would not rip anyone off, but it would be foolish to just send some money off to a P.O.Box number, that is not administered by her - but by some American web guys who administer her site - without knowing that I'll definately hear back from them.

Any information (and details of people's experiences) would be appreciated.

Many thanks. ANDY J. POTTER

Re: Laura's 'sexysharn' site

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:04 pm
by Hazza Bgunne
What about which is only $4.95 ?

Re: Laura's 'sexysharn' site

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 5:41 pm
by Andy J. Potter
Thanks for those two bits of info.

I can't get very far on the 'xxxlaura' site either - 'page can not be displayed' comes up there too when I try to join. And I can get as far as the cc bill thing on 'sexysharn', but no further - hence why I'm considering joining by posting off some money to the USA.

Anyone out there joined the sexysharn site by mailing off some cash in the way they've asked me to? If so, please advise me on how you got on. All information on this is appreciated.


Re: Laura's 'sexysharn' site

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:19 pm
by Andy J. Potter
I tried to access both 'xxxlaura' and 'sexy sharn' from another pc today (thinking that the fact I can't proceed very far and the 'page cannot be displayed' thing coming up may be down to my home pc), but had the same problem with both sites on that other pc as well.

I'm inclined to send off the Money Order in the post like they asked me to in order to join the 'sexysharn' site.

Other people on the Forum here please let me know their experiences of joining this site and whether it's safe to do it that way. Many thanks.


Re: Laura's 'sexysharn' site

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:52 pm
by Andy J. Potter

Please ignore my last entry and regard this thread as closed. I have since had correspondence sent to my email address and all is cool. I'm sending off my joining fee tomorrow (Friday) and can't wait to join.

I've only ever posted two things on this Forum here and both have been about the lovely Laura. I can't wait to join her site and will be doing so tomorrow. Thanks to the two people who replied to this thread.
