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Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:42 am
by thenamesbond
Why is it a lot of girls in this industry seem to have tattoos. Now a discreet tattoo on the back or even the stomach can be quite sexy, but why tattoos on the arms and wrists and legs? Is it just me that finds this a real turn off? What is the point of tattoos, I think they can make the most sexy looking girl unattractive?

Re: Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:57 pm
by davey
i agree with you all the way.they might look good when the girls are in thier early 20's and have perfect skin and toned bodies but it is going to be interesting in 40/50 years when you have all these saggy wrinkly tatooed grannies!!still each to thier own

Re: Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:36 pm
by emmab
I got tattoos for memories etc Whats the point of breast implants i find THOSE unnattractive! Everyone with different tastes etc

Re: Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:14 pm
by emmab
how can a tattoo on someones wrist make a sexy model unatractive, if shes got a good body and a sexy face something on your wrist isnt going to change anything !
I got my tattoos for reasons, my boyfriend designed one and others for memories etc i didnt get them thinking 'i'm a model and this is changing my chances' I do modelling and i like having tattos if people dont like them they dont use me simple, but i dont think it make me unattractive
Just as having breast implants which i find unattractive but wouldnt make me think that girl with a cute ass and a sexy face is ugy because of it. Nowdays the industry is so diverse with many type of girls many types of fetishes theres something for everyone and not everyone can be bleach blonde and stereotypical porn star.. its time to move on from those times because not everyone wants to be like that or wants to see that

Re: Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:31 pm
by WoodWhacker
Emmab - Hear Hear !!

I second that emotion. If others had their way, we might as well give up with real females and simply put a dollop of plastic on the screen - all the same: same hair, same sized tits, skin etc. Welcome to Dullsville...

Thank Christ we still have a choice !!!

Re: Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:40 pm
by Pervert
Your choice, Emma, and your right to make it. My objection to tattoos (and various bits of metal bolted on to people) is aesthetic: I've yet to see a tattoo that looks good. And anything that distracts (and detracts) from the beauty of a woman and her body cannot be good.

But what matters is you, and what you want to do.

Re: Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:41 pm
by Bayleaf
Ah, now this is certainly a subject that would support a PhD thesis, indeed there may well be someone working on it as we post.

My, anecdotal and completely unscientific, observation is that more than half of all girls currently working in the business have tattoos or intimate body piercings. This must be ten times the national average, which suggests a strong correlation between body art and the desire to show it off.

Anyone who has a tattoo must believe that it enhances their physical appearance (otherwise why do it?). I also suspect a fair number of watchers are not great fans of tatoos, so the desire to do it must come from the girls themselves.

Which in turn suggests that the girls do it becauase THEY want to, tattoo's and performances, regardless of what others - even punters- think. Which is something that those who think porn exploits women are going to have to come to terms with.

Re: Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:50 pm
by sandie
i got my tattoo cos i was going thru a mad rebelius stage and thought it at the time alot safer than other mad things to do.

i know the last thing on my mind was enhancing the way my lower back looks. infact i didnt even have an inkling that i would ever be showing my body off for a living at the time. so i guess its just part of me now.
id rather keep it for memory than pay to have it painfully surgically removed and leave an even bigger scar.

Re: Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:17 pm
by pheonix
I agree, its upto the individual whether they want a tattoo and i certainly dont think it makes a woman unattractive. I dont see the point in getting them surgically removed, they are a part of you. They obviously mean something or people wouldnt get them done.

My tattoo is at the bottom of my back, its colourful and girly. If anything i think it reflects a person's personality.

Loadsa love Pheonix

Re: Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:50 pm
by tas
small tattoo's like yours look nice in my opinion, big tattoos don't look so good on a girl though.