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Beware - there's a scammer out there!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:47 am
by Stefan and Lizzy
Hi People,

I was contacted yesterday by a guy called Mark from Mayfair Model Management enquiring about booking girls. It turns out that he has nothing what so ever to do with the adult industry but claims to be working for Omar and Vivid. Apparently he has done this before under the name Andy and he is offering large amounts of money for models to come and do scenes. Do not under any circumstances go and see him or give him any other models telephone number.

Stefan & Lizzy

Re: Beware - there's a scammer out there!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 8:16 am
by MensWorldMayfair
Nice to see he's taking our name in vain, too!

Re: Beware - there's a scammer out there!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 8:37 am
by Sarah-louise4
Theres also a guy called Mike / boasmikey etc who says hes working for mayfair who will pay ?600 hr BUT you have to go to his flat to be "auditioned" and "impress him" yeah right...

Re: Beware - there's a scammer out there!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 10:11 am
by MensWorldMayfair
Interesting, if you have any contact details, please pass them on and I'll hand them to our legal department... that's what we call 'fraud' in the trade, I believe!

I think we'll be able to "impress" him...

Re: Beware - there's a scammer out there!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:20 am
by TylerBabe
I have been talking to him today - I know how he got my number - he pretended to be interested in a shoot for a calendar and I gave him my mobile, He called pretending to be Andy from Mayfair Model Management, he tried to get me to meet up with a guy interesting in doing a shoot with me said he was called Martin and at another stage called him Patrick said he was from Harrogate and to meet him at Leeds station nxt to McDonalds that afternoon - I went along with it but had no intensions of going - he wouldn't give me a number or address or anything! When I told him I needed a number he gave me one after about an hour (must have bought a new phone) it was [removed by mod].
Told me he would be in a Black Saab or Black Range Rover.
The company he first contacted me through to get my number was Yeadon Motor company in Leeds
Don't know what he would have done if I would have been stupid enough to go meet him!!!
Don't be fooled by his ridiculous offers of payment ?3K a week - lol
He's a con man don't go near him and warn other models from the area please.

Re: Beware - there's a scammer out there!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:31 am
by MensWorldMayfair
I advise any girls who have contact with this man or others like him to contact their local police station. Clearly, there are questions about your safety in situations like this, and this guy will be of interest to the police.

If you're ever approached by someone claiming to be from Mayfair or any of the magazines we publish, please contact our offices to confirm their identity. We're happy to help and stamp out people like this.

Re: Beware - there's a scammer out there!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:55 am
by Avalon
Hi Liz, This Guy actually called me, and offered me alot of money to work for him also!! on the condition I Meet his boss for an audition!!! he he!! Well this guy called and called me and would not leave alone!! I just thought it was all rubbish really and know that a few girls have fallen for his false promises!! Like you said THIS GUY IS A SCAMMER!!! STAY AWAY!! kisses Avalon xxxx

Re: Beware - there's a scammer out there!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:21 pm
by Ben Jones
He wasn't that dodgy geezer you met in Reading was he?


Re: Beware - there's a scammer out there!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:21 pm
by Michelle B
I've had 3 or 4 enquiries from this guy. The first call he told me his name was Mark, and told me he worked for Vivid. He explained that they wanted to give me a $100,000 - 12 month contract!!!! He told me to meet him at Vivid's 'Harrogate' branch! (Ha ha!)

A week or so later his name was Dave, and he worked for Omar productions. He wanted me to do a B/G scene and was paying ?500+ per day (over 5 days). He said he was based near Derby.

It's nice to know Omar pays ?500 per scene now ha ha!

Whan I asked him how he got my mobile number he started stuttering until he finally told me it was someone called Vicky. I called Vicky Powell & she said it wasn't her & she'd not heard of him.

He's one creep and all models should stay clear. He had to get my mobile from someone within the industry though.

I remember Vicky telling me she'd lost her diary about a month ago so maybe the guy who found it is doing this? Explains how he's getting all the models mobiles etc??