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Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2001 2:08 pm
by Mark
Dear all,

Just wondered if any of you 'hard-core' fans (pun intended) out there could clarify a small question.

Does anybody know if this is "Samantha-Jane-Homden's" real name and if not does anybody know what it is???

Many thanks,


Re: Samantha-Jane-Homden

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2001 4:10 pm
by alec
It may be her real name or her usual modelling name who knows, but if we knew we wouldn't say - requests for real names are off topic as part of stalker avoidance policy.

Re: Samantha-Jane-Homden

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2001 6:48 am
by Mark

Fair point. One that I had not considered.

In retro-spect, I therefore change my question to simply ask if anybody knows (for certain), if this is her real name.

Many thanks,
