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Re: Adult Label Contract Girls - Notice to Producers

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 6:56 am
by JimiTheSaint
Rubbish, if a model has breached an agreement with you, your legal issue is with them and no one else ~ if they're not honouring an agreement you should take them to Court.

Suggest you talk to a lawyer before you start ranting nonsense ~ sorry to hear that you haven't got the ladies under control etc.

Best Regards

Jasper Duncombe
CEO - Tongue In Cheek Ltd. / RELISH films

Re: Adult Label Contract Girls - Notice to Producers

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:46 am
by Phil mCc
I agree Jasper (yes I am still here) in any case in court the mear mention of the suggestion someone has a contract with a poor innocent defencless girl to have sex in the bum with many men would be extremely stupid, go there and find out what the NOTW would write about it, best to stay well clear.

Speak later Press release Friday,

everything well on track,

Phil McC (Jim)

Re: Adult Label Contract Girls - Notice to Producers

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:56 am
by dodger
Yes have to agree Jim, I had instance not so long ago and no names however the model then signed exc to score group despite agreement and then she couldnt models for amateurs etc also and subsq she lost a lot of ?? on basis of greed factor initally off offer from other provider(lump sum)

Most models who go exc will then stop modelling for anyone(or agrement prevent sthis) and as such they wont model for other people and expect full images supplied on disc from photographer also after shoot ,so she can use on her site !! which not many serious people with run with anyway I am sure, unless shes modelling for nothing or the balack mac brigae who dont care anyways and half time theres no film in theyre cameras!! as I wouldnt allow it nor would i pay for this to happen in the first place.

If i shot or commissioned a shoot of them then they are mine after event for my usage and solely my usage and model release was signed will show that as well as intended publication/usage of images. thus making them exc to me as they are.. after all they are my property and not the models nor anyone elses. Hence the term exclusive.

And yes Jim your correct if model is signing releases eleswhere and modelling elsewhere they the buck stops with them being taken to task over it. as legally the agreement isnt worth a suke, those with releases and documentation id are totally correct and above board as well as im sure would take it all the way also re ownership rights and pub rights.


hope makes sense!!

Re: Adult Label Contract Girls - Notice to Producers

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:13 am
by vickie jp
hi guys this guy who says i'm exclusive to his company everytime i ask him he just says it means i cant set up another website. but then if he has a tantrum and spits the dummy out he then changes to i can't work for anyone else. i've spoken to a solicitor who says his contract is not worth the paper it's wrote on as he has given me no money therefore he is in breach of his. however he expects me to not work unless he says so and i was booked to go to la which i have had to cancel because he's had a strop and threatening to sue people. this post is to try and stop people working with me cos apparently he's finished my career.

Re: Adult Label Contract Girls - Notice to Producers

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:55 am
by dodger
NP V as i mentioned if your not earning the ? from contract enabling u to not model for others or not making it worthwhile, or your running at a loss earnings wise .. a girls gotta earn to put food on table as u know.

The girl i mention was given a two year deal payable in advance and she has honoured her end to my knowledge, doesnt help with the outlay I had my end prior to it but hell shit happens i guess!not my fault the postie didnt deliver the written agreement for signing in time

im sure it'll sort itself out ur end

pics done for me recently were toppers also v mmmmm

take care

Re: Adult Label Contract Girls - Notice to Producers

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 10:04 am
by Joe A

I presume that you are paying Vickie and any other models a good retainer etc. as the Score group do :)

Re: Adult Label Contract Girls - Notice to Producers

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:33 pm
by MisterC
Your contract is now null and void as the other party is in material breach by not paying you. From a legal perspective it may be best to send a letter stating that due to this material breach (i.e. lack of due consideration) the contract is now terminated. This will effectively cancel it in a proper manner. If you receive any problems with other bookings faxing over a copy may help, alternatively you have very strong grounds to sue for loss of earnings. Incidently the point the other guys made about the contract solely being between you and your 'agent' are spot on. Other parties are immune under UK law from any form of legal action as they are not party to the contract.


Re: Adult Label Contract Girls - Notice to Producers

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:44 pm
by Pianaman
"he's finished my career"


You don't belong to anyone but yourself Vicky. Tell him to stuff himself and get a good lawyer.