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Crap blokes in UK porn

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 10:11 am
by artiste
Is it something about our British laddish culture - ugly, moronic, sleazy, beery, jokey -etc etc (add your own) that inflicts on us a similar dose of unpalatable guys in many UK based soft/hard programmes?

For example, Dave Lever told us to watch out for Jim Slip's new series in Budapest.....well, I did watch the first last night on TVX and ......what a twat!!! and I don't mean the gorgeous Elise!! talk about inept, Slip can hardly stop himself from dribbling from the start, and his technique of seduction was more schoolyard grope.

Others of this ilk include the even more crap Shagnasty, but there have been no end of overweight, flatulent balding guys in evidence...God knows what the girls think when they meet them on shoot for the first time.

Before marino comes on and flames me, I dont particularly like his similar jokey , matey-lets- talk- to- the- cameraman style so often seen, although he does at least look like a decent stud!!!

Have a good day y'all

Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:04 pm
by Marino
I appreciate your comments, however ithe reason they are jokey, is the road trips are about porno weekend's off. So no crap acting, just the crazy gang seeing what we can up to next.

I have starred in enough scripted movies in my time.

Perhaps the new series of Twin Cheeks will be the one.
Pretty girls, even a small bit with me in, Oh not laughing with me mates, not gonzo.

So artiste, no flames from me, sorry the road trips aint your bag, and as for looking like a decent stud, I thank you for the compliment. At least i will take looking like a decent stud as a compliment. ( Wht ever one looks like, and i have worked with nearly all the legends in my time)

If you wish you are invited to join me on a movie, and perhaps advise the male talent what you would like to see,
How's that, if you can bring some expertise that I am so obviously missing, I will pay your for your input.

Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:12 pm
by fayerampton
at the end of the day most guys dont pay attention to wot the studs look like they should be looking at the girl !
as long as the guys cock works and does the job on camera then should it matter wot his face looks like ?
some guys will prefer the normal looking guy in films as its more realistic to them that perhaps they can pull a bird like that too!
to me a cock is a cock when it comes to work !
faye xxx

Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:27 pm
by colin
As a punter, i would much rather see an "everyday bloke" as the stud in a porn film than some of these muscle-bound hulks that American porn films seem to favour! as Faye rightly said, at the end of the day it's the female talent that we should be watching, not the male stud, he's there as a means to an end!
Marino's style on the road trips is spot on imho, quality "wood" with a sense of humour, but the women are the focus of attention!

Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 2:14 pm
by eroticartist
Can we know what scripted films you starred in?

Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 2:20 pm
by NeilUK
I actually like Marino's style, he and Ben always brings humour to their work. Whats wrong with that ? Sure we are looking at the girls but whats wrong with witty comments at the same time ?


Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 2:22 pm
by artiste
Take your point Faye-but I assure you I DO concentrate on the girl!!!! Elise was simply Drop Dead Gorgeous, like yourself. The guy had no idea, and it all looked totally fake - which it was anyway.

The Euro guys mostly look a decent bunch - but I agree with Colin re. the over muscular Yanks.

Decent guys , to me, who look like they're up to and on the job would be-"Bailey", Tony di Sergio and his sidekick in badfellas, (also in Ibiza Uncut)

I love to see beautiful girls, with relatively ordinary guys, not some ugly idiot like me getting in the way!!!

PS Thanks for the offer Marino....I'll think about that.....

Cheers all.

Re: How can you say that?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:09 am
by artiste
Well, it depends on your sense of humour I suppose.

Come on , the episode on the other night with Elise (gorgeous) was crap, (apart from the solo bits of Elise)...Jim's style was frankly amateurish and embarrassing. Humorous?? God almighty!! Failed Edinburgh Fringe more like.

Sorry Tomsk, can't agree -

BTW - this topic is intended to add to the one started very recently as to what the paying guys would prefer to see ,which is -

gorgeous girls in EROTIC situations with a reasonably decent bloke -doesn't have to be Arnold f***ing schwarznegger.

Re: How can you say that?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:30 am
by artiste

Further to my point - I have found the following quote on a review on the films section of this site..................

"Jim just isn't interesting enough to carry the film, as it teeters on the brink of bad vanity publishing. We've seen all the girls before in many scenes and frequently getting a much better seeing to. That said, fans of any of the girls will not be disappointed."

So it's not just me!!!!!