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Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:12 pm
by Pervert
I'm surprised you haven't encountered this before. Very much part and parcel of the degrading shit that seems so popular among certain inadequates. Eyelids held open for maximum effect---and to hell with any health risk. Sickening in the extreme, but that's probably what appeals to the mini penis women haters.

Still, it's not as if it's any men who are suffering discomfort and pain. Pathetic gits.

Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:35 am
by mart
Well I, for one, are pissed of with watching men jacking themselves off onto various parts of a girl's anatomy. I've said this before, and I'll go on saying it, there's something wrong when a guy has to bring himself off rather than let nature take its course.
Maybe that's the mark of a porno-stud. The ability to fuck endlessly has the drawback of making the moneyshot that much more difficult to achieve.


Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 2:58 am
by Mick Handy
Well there are many producers hanging out here.... maybe they can explain why they let the guys wank themselves off and not let the girls do it.

I'm so pissed off with watching a great scene only to have a guy wank off over the girl .... this may be OK in real life but not on video it spoils the whole scene and makes me wonder why i bother to watch or pay for porn.

And while i'm here why must we see long lingering shots of close up penatration shots .... i want to see the girl not a close up of a cock banging a pussy.

Anyhow's that my rant for this morning .... (-:

Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:19 am
by jj
Simple answer- experience shows it's quicker when the guy does it himself.
And time is money........especially with money-shots.

Of course, it wouldn't be TOO difficult to have the guy beat himself, off-camera, almost to the vinegar-strokes, and then let madam take over.........would it?
Good job women just have to fake it, eh?

Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:33 am
by Pianaman
Inevitable really given the surfeit of imagination on the part of the more msiogynistic end of the porn business. Their sole concept of what constitutes "new" is to come up with sick stunts like this to cater for sad fucks who want to "stretch" boundaries and get off on seeing risks being taken with lives.

- what next?

"Bleeders" - women made to bleed having anal sex
"Bleeding gum muff divers" - men with bad teeth going down
"Kiddie kumslutz" - all the ingredients of kiddie porn except the girls are (just) over the legal age
"Baggie bitches" - put a plastic bag over her head and fuck her till she chokes
"No means yes - rape me I love it really" - well this is already being done by some sick fucks - so I suspect are some of the above.

This isn't about sex really. These twats have no idea what sex is I suspect. It's about bolstering up their own inadequate ego's.

Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 9:30 am
by Harry Hardon
Wonder if the girls hired for the shoots knew what they were into?

I remember attending a shoot for a website where the photographer informed the guys to aim for the eyes all whilst the two models (first timers) where out of the room.

Wasn't happy about this so made sure I aimed lower and that they had some tissues on hand.

Even more annoying, the photographer and his female partner were no were to be found when one of the two girls had a bad reaction to the cum on her skin so I had to console her.

I believe these people are now no longer working in the industry.

And some people wondered why new girls only ever do one h/c shoot and then refused to worked again in b/g.


Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:46 am
by Officer Dibble
?Well there are many producers hanging out here.... maybe they can explain why they let the guys wank themselves off and not let the girls do it.?

In a lot of instances it?s the only way the leading chap can produce a ?cumshot? in the tedious, banal, production line world of contemporary porno. Produces have made it so routine and tiresome in their dash to make a buck in this over-saturated market that now the studs are simply going thought the motions ?bangin' ?meat.? How spurt-worthy is that? And look at what they?ve being offered to shag nowadays ? not exactly Desire Cousteau, Stacy Owen, Silvia saint or Charmeine are they? No wonder the studs switches are not being flicked.

?I'm so pissed off with watching a great scene only to have a guy wank off over the girl.... this may be OK in real life but not on video it spoils the whole scene and makes me wonder why i bother to watch or pay for porn?

The punters are harboring similar sentiments. Modern porn is decadent, debased, and has gone to seed. There?s no sexual tension in it, it?s not erotic, it?s dull, boring ?n? lifeless. There?s far too much of it about and it?s lost any mystique it may have once had.

?And while I?m here why must we see long lingering shots of close up penatration shots .... I want to see the girl not a close up of a cock banging a pussy.?

Quite (although she should be ?sorty? and interesting enough for you to want to see her in the first place.) Yep, the producers who are guilty of this don?t really understand sex, they just like making movies. In fact they're so gung ho about making films that they don?t want to stop and confront tiresome issues like ? will Joe public like this? Is it stimulating? Is this really what sex is all about? No, they just breeze past issues like that with a dismissive ?Yes, this is what the punters want ? Filth, filth, filth, dirty bitches, dirty slags, filthy dirty anal close-ups! Filth, filth, filth! Dirt, dirt, dirt! Yes, yes, yes!? And I?m thinking - You?re deluding yourself mi old pal, that?s what might rock your boat, but I and many of my punters want a nice shapely clean lady who does sex with some decorum. Why are you under the impression that all the punters want ?Dirty Scraggy Anal Crack Whores Being Rogered Raggy??

Here are my whimsical quick fix solutions ? Cut world porn production by 70%. Have a producer's licensing system costing $10,000.00 ? this would preclude ?Camcorder Kevin?s? from muddying the porno waters. Producers should then have to submit a script at last 30 days in advance of a shoot ? to show that they have had some time to actual ponder what they are going to shoot. Furthermore, that script should be one that puts the sex into some kind of true to life context or scenario. I.e. not ?Travelodge films? where the naked protagonists commence fucking in the first minute and are still flogging it 60 minutes later in much the same position or films that give the impression of a soulless, industrialized process. Force producers and directors to excise much more rigorous quality control on who will be featured in the movie ? No need to look like Claudia Schiffer, all ages welcome, but protagonists should look clean, healthy and wholesome and not look like they have been dredged up from the bottom of the societal well. The extra production costs would be recovered by more people buying the movie, by virtue of it being a better quality product, and having limited adult movie choice.

Officer Dibble

Re: Check out....

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:35 pm
by seymourpussy
Get pay anyone enough money!! These producers seem to feel that they have to abuse women to sell vids....when is someone gonna film people making thats a novel may sell???