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Re: softcore and the treatment of women as people

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:13 pm
by diplodocus
the twats that want to watch degrading are just sad, and possibly a factor in the change from 'sexy hardcore ' films to 'nasty hardcore' films which as a normal punter I seem to see more and more of.
Ok rant over i'm off back to the other side before the hounds get set on me

Re: softcore and the treatment of women as people

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 5:57 am
by Scott Rider
I'm glad this topic was brought up, I was starting to think there was something wrong with me for not enjoying the sort of films that are now available. As a 'buying' punter, I couldn't agree more with your statement. A 'proper' film where the girl enjoys herself and seems genuinely into the sex is far more watchable than some of the 'brutal' stuff that I've seen recently. I'll give you an example - I recently saw an american film called 'Throat Gaggers 4' and I've got to say it was, in parts, not pleasant to watch with a couple of the girls looking particulary uncomfortable. A few days later I watched Ben Dover's Alley Cats and, whilst still hardcore, all the action seemed to be genuinely enjoyed by the girls and hence it was a better film to watch. No doubt someone will slag me off for these two examples but personally I'd like to see a move away from this brutal stuff that is doing the rounds.

Re: softcore and the treatment of women as people

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 7:30 am
by P-Nix

I always wonder what the point is if the girl isn't enjoying herself. Who wants to sit and see a woman be treated like shit? The whole point (for me, at least) is that the woman is having a good time, that's why it's sexy, if she's doing something she's uncomfortable with it's just horrible.

Does anyone think this humiliation of women in porn, and the attitude of some spoilt rich Americans (Jackass, Limp Bizkit) that humiliation is funny is in anyway connected to what we've seen in Iraq? A bit off topic I know, but it seems to me it comes from the same mindset.

Anyway, I'm off to do some business with the Adele Stephens shoot in this months Mayfair.


Re: softcore and the treatment of women as people

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 9:38 am
by Officer Dibble
"Does anyone think this humiliation of women in porn, and the attitude of some spoilt rich Americans (Jackass, Limp Bizkit) that humiliation is funny is in anyway connected to what we've seen in Iraq?"

Not really, were just rich, lazy, blas?, bored, got no respect, and nothing holds any mystique anymore. If you?re going to blame anyone blame the corporate cunts, tabloid press and tacky media for dumbing down and promoting the wanky attitudes that prevail nowadays. Blame them for celebrating naffness just because it's cheap and safe (i.e., won't frighten the share holders.)

Speaking of Americans being assholes. Watched a gonzo vid recently. It was one of those where a crew goes to Czechoslovakia, or Hungary, to shoot some cheap, natural, pretty girls, 'cause the talent back home is looking really low rent, worn out, trashy and decadent. Anyhow, I was gobsmacked at how tasty the young ladies were - it was 70's - 80's Mayfair and Penthouse all over again. What struck me is that they had really made the effort to look pretty and glamorous - make up, pretty little outfits, frills, ribbons and lace, and of course, stockings and suspenders.

Then the gonzo geezers arrived - chortling bozos and idiots who proceeded to abuse these sweet little ladies who had made so much effort to look nice for the rich American film crew. It was the usual bollocks, pulling asses and fannies apart for the camera, gaping this and gaping that, heavy duty fucking in multiple holes till the girls were red raw. Then more close-ups of sperm running out of sore fannies arses. I felt ashamed. We had encouraged them to throw off the yoke of communism, told them how groovy and glamorous life was in the west, and they believed us, looked up to us. Then we go there and treat those classy beautiful little ladies like that.

To be fair to the gonzo geezers I didn't get the impression they were bad chaps, just idiots. Idiots with a limited perception of the world around them. They were just following the gonzo bandwagon, they thought they were cool, chortling and being blas?' as they did unpleasant things to the young ladies in the name of sex. They didn't realise they were idiots and that what they were doing was total bollocks. While it's true that not all the girls in the film seemed to find their treatment objectionable, the bewildered look on the face a very pretty, very sweet, blonde girl in a frilly pink dress will forever be etched in my mind.

"Anyway, I'm off to do some business with the Adele Stephens shoot in this months Mayfair."

Adel hey? You?re obviously a man of taste, a man who knows his onions. I wish more girls could be like her.

Officer Dibble

Re: softcore and the treatment of women as people

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 9:58 am
by MonkeyMonkey
"I felt ashamed. We had encouraged them to throw off the yoke of communism, told them how groovy and glamorous life was in the west, and they believed us, looked up to us. Then we go there and treat those classy beautiful little ladies like that."

That has to be one of the most poignant things I have read in a quite a while.

Re: softcore and the treatment of women as people

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:13 am
by David Johnson
Well said, Officer Dibble.
Agree with every word

Re: softcore and the treatment of women as people

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:41 am
by Number1
One thing you have to remember is that psychologically, the US is a very repressed country. They are ingrained, in a different way to us the Uk and Europe, to strongly dissaprove of girls having sex on camera for a living.

We in the UK were saved from that repression somewhat by the Carry-On era, and in Europe by a general openness to sexuality, but the US producers had it drummed into them that sex is bad, and an athema tho the American Dream.

They still have the in built feeling of guilt about looking at such material, but justify it with the notion of seeing a whore get what she deserves. That is why the abusive stuff does better in the States than anywhere else.

Praise be to companies like Relish who re-assure us that sex can be amusing, and safe to enjoy without guilt. But somehow I think that Relish will struggle to get a significant slice of the US buyers market.

Re: softcore and the treatment of women as people

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:39 pm
by joe king
'It was the usual bollocks, pulling asses and fannies apart for the camera, gaping this and gaping that, heavy duty fucking in multiple holes till the girls were red raw. Then more close-ups of sperm running out of sore fannies arses.'

It must have been a struggle keeping your eyes open. What's wrong with 'pulling fannies apart for the camera'? If she has a nice pussy, you want to see it right? Or don't you want to see it?