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I've always had a full screen...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:53 pm
by JackHorny
HIV and all other STI's including Hep C (I'm vaccinated for Hep B), Syph, Gonn, Clamydia... Possibly a couple of others I can't recall without looking at my cert.

Admittedly there are some performers who do just turn up with a HIV cert - but it's becoming increasingly the norm for it to be a cert for a full screen that is shown.

Re: I've always had a full screen...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 7:02 pm
by Violet Storm
Ive always made sure ive had all tests including hep B vaccination from the first girl/girl scene to present day.
Violet x

Re: I've always had a full screen...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 7:05 pm
by Bill Malone
I'm sure you're aware of the irony of your signature, but incase other's aren't...

"Big tit's rule the world. Violet x."

They certainly run the US and UK at the moment.

There. Saves steve56 from saying it.

Re: I've always had a full screen...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 7:16 pm
by Violet Storm
Damn and there was me thinking that it was our charm and quick witt that run the show. (he he)
Violet x

Re: I've always had a full screen...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 8:12 pm
by Snake Diamond
Well, I do like Moderately large breasts ;)

But I would NOT say that Politicians, or any other Leaders of any Country's, can have the classification of being called TITS. I would personally call them something like:

Shivelled-up, Decaying, Maggot Ridden, Cunts.

But hey, getting back to the main argument of that statement, Tits seem to rule the planet as far as guys are concerned, a nice lady walk past with an ample chest, then 99% of Guys & 99% of the time, they lose what they were doing, and have to "check out" the busty lady. LOL :D

Re: I've always had a full screen...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 8:19 pm
by marcusallen
Rt Hon J.Walker,Esq. MA(Hons(Dypso)

Having taken over the nightshift from himself, I can categorically state that copious amounts of my family brew, taken over a long period of time, will negate visits to quacks -who steal your hard earned - and even chemists.

.Bout time you lot learned the priorities of this mortal coil and got back to basics.

Remember well, that there are not too many old doctors, but there are MANY old drunks.

I rest my case (but not my elbow)

Re: I've always had a full screen...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 8:48 pm
by Violet Storm
It's not just a guy thing belive me, I always forget what the hell im doing when a nice pair of dirty pillows head my way. Ok ive got my own but it's always worth a try asking a girlie if I can have a squidge. The breast thing is I dont get labled as a perv because of it....FANTASTIC!!
I really love being a woman. You guys dont know the half of it.
Violet x

Re: I've always had a full screen...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 9:26 pm
by Snake Diamond
In essence I do understand your viewpoint Violet ;) An Ex of mine is Bi-Sexual, also an Ex-Model, she's a Mommy right now.

When we were out in town, at a cafe/wine-bar/etc, we used to discuss which HOT & SEXY Lady passed by in the street, what we think of her, what she looks like, fav fantasy to do to/with that same said lady, what we would do to her on our own, or as a couple LOL.

Hell, she's such a horny tease, she sent me tons of Naughty (Explicit Naughty) Pics of her, after we went our seperate ways (mores the pity on that subject).

Re: aids and hiv tests - what about the rest

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 3:20 am
by Pianaman
Just out of interest what about genital Herpes? It's a difficult STD to prevent even with condoms as it tends to affect the genital area and can be passed on just by touching groins - is there a vaccine for this yet? Or do you just have to avoid people noticeably affected while they are having a flare up?