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Re: Boys from Brazil

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 5:18 am
by kitten kong
I think if anyone was interested in knowing who has been working in Brazil recently (Although no-one suggested any shagging of "Chicks with Dicks" was occurring) it might be worth contacting some of the agents, who'd probably know. I heard about it on set. I'm not prepared to say names, but it might be worth asking performers before booking if they have been there.

Its interesting that a real situation occurs, which is potentially dangerous, and the thread is promptly shut down. Its also interesting, that its now said that theres no problem going to Brazil, I agree, the problem is what performers do there in their spare time!

Re: Boys from Brazil

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 6:45 am
by Marino
Glad to see my postings removed. Good to see you are all behind the safety of our business.

Re: Boys from Brazil

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 7:13 am
by denise davies
how would you know that when the performers are asked they wont lie.This sounds very serious and fucked up because no doubt someone will bring HIV back and get straight back to work and then what would happen to the industry over here if it did happen which theres a high chance it could with performers going to hgh risk places.Unlike the states who have billions that protect them from being shut down.I would love to know why UK performers are going over there anyway knowing the high risks and taking the risk for probebly not alot of money which is sad.No offence but im glad im well out of the whole fucked up business

Re: Boys from Brazil

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 8:00 am
by woodgnome
kitten kong wrote:

> Its interesting that a real situation occurs, which is
> potentially dangerous, and the thread is promptly shut down.

i find it interesting that you find it "interesting"... perhaps you would care to let us into your thoughts?

as alec explained, the previous thread was closed down to prevent a breach of section 3.9 of the faq. perhaps that is "interesting" to someone (not necessarily yourself) who sees conspiracy around every corner, but at our end it's just a run-of-the-mill piece of moderating.

Re: Boys from Brazil

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 8:31 am
by Marino
Well I would have thought w all have the right too know.
Lets not worry about upsetting the people that dont even give a fuck about the BGAFD
But I am risking my life for the chosen charity, I at least think, that it was more prudent to worry about us.

Re: Boys from Brazil

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 8:52 am
by denise davies
thats why things will never change in the in the industry with attitudes like that.What happened to freedom of speech.Its not naming and shaming when the people have been doing wrong its still peoples lifes at stake you are dead as soon as you catch the virus and no one should have to live like that not knowing how soon there going to die.yes This is a run of the mill moderating but what if a performer does end up catching it from another performer going to brazil and something could have been done to prevent it.Its only naming the guilty ones that dont deserve protecting not the inocent people.Why bother with BAHIA and meetings things are never going to change so your all wasting your time.Everyone should be responsible but there are people that are not and still take the attitude it wont appen to me and thats bollocks.I dont want to offend anyone but its the truth and i get the feeling Know one wants to hear the truth

Re: Boys from Brazil

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:14 am
by cillaodain
Marino: "Well I would have thought w all have the right too know."

The people who have the right to know are those in the business. Punters like myself don't need to know. It would be best if the word went round to producers and performers.

Marino: "Lets not worry about upsetting the people that dont even give a fuck about the BGAFD"

Let's also be fair to the people who look after this forum for us. If BGAFD gets into the name-and-shame business, and gets it wrong, there would be hell to pay, and possibly compensation as well.

Marino: "But I am risking my life for the chosen charity, I at least think, that it was more prudent to worry about us."

That's one hell of an argument. Lives might be at stake. The industry needs to organise to protect performers. What's been happening so far looks disappointing to me. People missing a meeting about making shooting safe because they were shooting! It looks to me as if a lot of people don't appreciate the risks.

What happened in America probably does not change the risk level very much. The danger was always there, and if HIV gets into the UK pool, my guess is that it won't be from California or Brazil. There is HIV in lots of other places. The American thing is a wake-up call.

Re: Boys from Brazil

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:32 am
by alec
Your posting in that thread was not removed.

Re: Boys from Brazil

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:35 am
by DavidS
In part I agree with you Denise, but Alec and Woodgnome are in a difficult position. I am sure they do not want to censor information which can help prevent the spread of this awful virus and other std's, but I can see that they don't want this well respected forum to become a platform for unsubstantiated rumour. Moderating effectively is always going to upset someone.

Re: Boys from Brazil

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:44 am
by alec
If you want to 'name and shame' on YOUR forum, where YOU are liable for the consequences of perhaps having unwittingly given out false information, consequences ranging from hassle and bad feeling up to legal action, then feel free.

This site is run as a hobby by fans and for fans. We are not an industry site, though it may seem like it sometimes. If you post here you abide by our rules, which are decided on the basis of the interests of this site and to help its continued existence. The rules apply to both fans and people in the industry.

You are also free to spread the word on thse matters by e-mail and to inform BAIHA, or to use other forums which ARE on the sites of industery people, if they allow it.

That's the position and it's not going to change.