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Re: Are you to blame for the HIV out break?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 3:24 pm
by joe king
Yes, we are all to blame. So, what are you going to do about it? Just keep posting your crap.

Re: Are you to blame for the HIV out break?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 3:42 pm
by Hugh Jampton
How does a girl doing double anal put me in severe danger? ( assuming I'm watching from a reasonable distance, that is )

Re: Are you to blame for the HIV out break?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 4:04 pm
by JP
Tomsk, You're an Ass, how the hell is it Joe Public's fault that this outbreak has occured. We didn't force Darren James to go to Brazil to film a movie, his own stupidity and greed did that. We didn't then force the said Mr James to perform a double anal scene on an 18 year old.

I'm sorry if this offends people but the fault for this mess lies purely and squarely with the porn Industryand those within it.


Re: Are you to blame for the HIV out break?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:50 pm
by aliciarhodes247
im sorry but i cant heer u people bad m,outhing somoen u dont know darren is certainly not stupid he just trusted the wrong people to make sure the girls he was working with were safe he was very responsible and went for a test as soon as he came back from brazil and unfortnatly the [period of time casued the test to be a false negative and so he thought he was safe to work u cant blame him he was doing his job

i dont agree with working in brazil but theres alot of american companies doing it at the mo and so lulling people into a false sense of security so please dont slag people of u know nothing about darren is a lovley guy and i for one am very sad to here of ewhat happened to him so grow up people stop being so god damn chiuldish have u nothing better ti do then comment on subjects u know absoultley nothinganout

kissssssss !!!!!!!!!! alicia

Re: Are you to blame for the HIV out break?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:03 pm
by JP
I'm not being childish, merely stating a fact, he almost certainly got HIV in Brazil and to me he was totally irresponsible in working there in the 1st place.

Interesting to note your rant against a member of Joe Public when he states a point of fact, how would you feel if it was you who had been infected by Mr James and then later found out is was because he shot a movie in Brazil, somehow I don't ythink you would be so sympathtic.

I'm also bloody sick of so called stars (and I use that term loosely) who seem to think that to post on this forum you must be in the industry.



Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:13 pm
by JackHorny
Hang on a minute... a few things here don't quite add up...

1 - Almost certainly??? How can YOU be so sure? From the stories (and I use the word STORIES not FACTS - because how many people REALLY KNOW THE FACT FROM THE FICTION AND THE ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE HERE?) I have read there can be no certains, be they almost or absolute in the actual source of this infection.

2 - IS DARREN JAMES "the one" - how can that be certain? He tests negative - a few weeks later he tests positive - they SAY it took some weeks for it to develop... Laura Roxx goes for her tests 'cos she worked recently with Darren James - she tests positive... Why has nobody questioned why it developed so rapidly in Laura's case????

Also - let's not ignore the fact that Laura had only just arrived in the US from Canada, so I presume (PRESUME!) she'd only just fallen under AIM's testing regime...

There are MANY, MANY unknowns here and I don't think anybody can say with any certainty - almost or otherwise - what the true source of this infection is, where it stemmed from and how far and wide it runs...

to clarify...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:18 pm
by JackHorny
I was a little premature and failed to sum up in my previous post...

So, to sum up, Darren James MAY NOT be the source of Laura Roxx's infection... This could actually be two isolated cases.

We just don't know the FACTS and we, those not directly involved, may never know... so lets just end the speculation and the mud slinging.

Re: Are you to blame for the HIV out break?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:27 pm
by Officer Dibble
I'm afraid I don't have much of an opinion on this issue - I feel detached from it all. However, some people, understandably, do feel strongly about it since their very lives could depend on it. While others are agitated because their bank balances could be threatened. As the furore and debate about it's cause and a possible response has grown more intense, three words have pulled into the focus of my mind and started flashing on and off there - Sodom And Gomorrah.

Officer Dibble

pushing the boundaries of porn

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:36 pm
by mistersuave
Its an interesting thought Tomsk, which comes first, a porn viewers fetish, or does the producer introduce the fetish? I suppose either could happen.

I have been watching porn for well over a decade. I can honestly say I have never fantasised about double anal, or any kind of penetration with two cocks. I was surprised when I saw my first double penetration scene. I think this "double anal" trend is something the producers came up with. It is their way of pushing the boundaries of porn. I suppose it boosts their egos if a producer is the first to push the boundaries, it also generates interest in their work. I can think of a few examples of extreme porn, they are almost like "circus acts", most people wouldnt fantasise about them, but producers push the boundaries. Double anal is one example, then scat, watersports, S&M, animal sex etc. Whatever will the producers come up with next, three cocks up a girls ass? I dont have a problem with pushing boundaries. I dont like it when performers take more risks for these extreme sex acts. Double anal is extremely risky.