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Re: Why do brit models/pornstars have boob jobs?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 2:40 pm
by JackHorny
Alfie... boob jobs have only really become fashionable in the last 15 years or so - I would personally say the "craze" began with Pamela Lee Anderson in the early 90s... However, they didn't become financially viable to the mass market until very recently - i.e. the last 5 years or so.

That probably explains why there "waz no models from the early 1980's that had boob jobs".

Re: Why do brit models/pornstars have boob jobs?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 2:55 pm
by NGF
Why do they have boob jobs?
I want to say 'To make them bigger' but it seems like such an easy answer.

I think Layla Jades are beautiful, as are Jane Whitehouse's.

Re: Why do brit models/pornstars have boob jobs?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 4:06 pm
by Dive in the Dark
Oh god here we go again with guys complaining about girls getting boob jobs.

If you don't like 'em, don't look. There are plenty of natural girls out there. But please stop all the whinging and moaning.

Do any of you people actually know any women? Do you know how much their confidence and self-esteem can be hamstrung by feeling their chest is too small. You may not agree, but it's not about you. It's about women and how they feel.

I have known many, many women who have had boob jobs and every single one of them was happier and more confident afterwards. Would you deny a woman the opportunity to feel better about herself on the basis of your own aesthetic prejudices?

So please, let's show a little empathy and think about the reasons why some women would spend all that money and go through all that discomfort, before rushing to the keyboard in protest.

Re: Why do brit models/pornstars have boob jobs?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:02 pm
by Coolcat
Look me right in the eyes, Alfie, and tell me Vicky Powell and Michelle Barrett don't look totally stunning as of right now.
Same goes, on the without side, for Angel Long and Sandie Caine.
It takes allsorts, my dear Mr Moon, allsorts.
Dive is right to say 'don't look if you don't like em'.
I think it's most unlikely so many girls want to look like Barbie dolls, wouldn't you? Aren't you just the teensiest bit 'stirring it'??

Re: Why do brit models/pornstars have boob jobs?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:17 pm
by Officer Dibble
"There are plenty of natural girls out there."

Pray, where? Well, yes of course there's Denise Davies, Adele Stephens See my point? Remington and me were discussing this dilemma just the other week. We found it difficult to reconcile the facts that there are loads of busty ladies walking up and down the High St, but hardly any available for glamour and porn modelling. Not like ?the olden days?

"Do any of you people actually know any women?"

One or two.

"Do you know how much their confidence and self-esteem can be hamstrung by feeling their chest is too small. You may not agree, but it's not about you. It's about women and how they feel."

On the contrary, in this context it very much is about the consumer ? ?tis they who pay all our wages. If you choose to be a model in a sex/glamour industry that?s aimed at arousing and stimulating men, you should look the part to start with, and then it's your professional duty to deport yourself and maintain yourself in the manner to which men as a whole find sexually attractive. That's your job, period. If a potential model has a problem with that or she doesn?t comprehend how to achieve that, then modelling is not for her. She'd just be doing herself and the punters a disservice if she went into it half hearted ? thinking like, it might be an easy way to earn a few quid.

As I said "empathy" is not the issue here. That?s for the wider world. The sex industry is like any other industry, it has requirements of the people it employs. If you want to have a job in it you need a few basic (informal) qualifications. If you cannot fulfil those qualifications, then maybe you shouldn't be thinking about it.

Officer Dibble

Re: Why do brit models/pornstars have boob jobs?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:38 pm
by Dive in the Dark
"in this context it very much is about the consumer"

What utter nonsense!

I have yet to meet a single girl who got a boob job solely on the basis of what it would do to her commercial viability. Certainly it is something they take into account, but the prime motivating factor is how they feel about their own body.

"The sex industry is like any other industry" - Oh yeah right. Do you work in the sex industry? I do and have done for several years. It is not like any other industry.

Where else do people bare what is traditionally private, can potentially lead to villification and being ostracised by society at large, and run the risk of catching an incurable disease?

That's it. I shall no longer rise to the bait.

Re: Why do brit models/pornstars have boob jobs?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:32 am
by Officer Dibble
You seem to have misunderstood what I was trying to say. I'll try again. What I was trying to say is that in the context of being a model or working in the sex industry a girl's feelings are irrelevant. They put themselves up there and offer themselves as a product, they should be prepared for the inevitable criticism of customers who find that product is not to their taste. It's for the paying punters to say what they like and whom they fancy, those are the people who are being served.

You seem to be on a different tack regarding why girls actually go in for breast augmentation. I won?t go into that now, I've commented on the subject at length in previous threads.

Actually, I do work in the sex industry and have done so since the early 1990's. Here?s me with some of my colleagues

The sex industry is the same as any other in respect of having customers, customers who?s expectations and needs have to be addressed. Though I?ll grant that there aren?t many other industries where a prerequisite is that employees take their togs off.

?That's it. I shall no longer rise to the bait.?

Who?s baiting?

Officer Dibble

Re: Why do brit models/pornstars have boob jobs?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:52 am
by RetroDon
When I'm watching porn, as I often do, one of the biggest turn-ons for me is the way a girls tits move.... you just can't beat the movement of a pair of nature's finest (and that goes for the smaller variety) when they are getting shagged... Silicone one's barely move at all, so for me this spoils the whole erotic experience.

The whole "boob job" thing is just a trend (..hopefully), unfortunately one that will have an effect on the girls for the rest of their lives. The real perils of silicone, like those of the chemicals in hair dye, etc, won't make themselves known until it is too late, and even then, I'm sure the industry will have plenty of "official excuses" why this is not the case.

Interestigly, and purely an aside here to the main topic, research has shown that the average woman has 4 times the toxins in her body as the average man, and those lady's who work in the beautifying industry are often 16 times more toxic.... makes you think..... the way the body absorbs toxic chemicals are manyfold..
"Insania" indeed....